SB 1196


Education Committee

March 28, 2001 -  9:00A
       FOR:       Armstrong, Bonnie Child Advocate (Children), Fort
                         Worth, TX
                  Bright, Mike Executive Director (The Arc of Texas),
                         Austin, TX
                  Derr, Patti Parent (Texas Federation of Families),
                         Austin, TX
                  Gundlins, Kathy Children (Self), Houston, TX
                  Norton, Colleen (Texas Advocates Supporting Kids
                         with Disabilities), Austin, TX
                  Schleiss, Ronnie Parent (Austin I.S.D.), Austin, TX
                  Sharp, Amy Student (Self), College Station, TX
                  Webb-Johnson, Dr. Gwendolyn Assistant Professor of
                         Special Education (Self), Austin, TX
       ON:        Davis, Mike State Fire Marshal (Texas Department of
                         Insurance), Austin, TX
                  La Vello, Richard Attorney (Advocacy, Inc.), Austin,
                  Seay, Penny Director (Center for Disability Studies,
                         UT Austin), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Backus, David Attorney (Texas Association of School
                         Administrators), Austin, TX
                  Borden, Sandi Excutive Director (Texas Elementary
                         Principals and Supervisors Association),
                         Austin, TX
                  Bright, Mike Executive Director (The Arc of Texas),
                         Austin, TX
                  De Leon, Marty Lobbyist (Texas Association of School
                         Boards), Austin, TX
                  Gantt, Melanie Public Policy Advocate (Mental Health
                         Association in Texas), Austin, TX
                  Halligan, Mike Executive Director (Texas Mental
                         Health Consumers), Austin, TX
                  Kern, Diana Public Policy Analyst (NAMI TX), Austin,
                  Lambert, Kay (Advocacy, Inc.), Austin, TX
                  Mewkowsky, John Advocate (TACIL), Austin, TX
                  Paynter, Suzi Citizenship Education (Texas Baptist
                         Christian Life Commission), Austin, TX
                  Rogers, Kenny Student (Self), Dallas, TX
                  Smoot, Samantha Executive Director (Texas Freedom
                         Network), Austin, TX
                  Tounget, Craig Director of Governmental Relations
                         (Texas PTA), Austin, TX
                  Zoern, Stacy (Coalition of Texans with
                         Disabilities), Austin, TX
       On:        Crawford, Pamela Executive Director (Texas Council
                         of Administrators of Special Education),
                         Austin, TX
                  Murphy, Marsha Director of Special Education
                         (Perryton I.S.D., Spearman I.S.D., Booker
                         I.S.D., Follett I.S.D.), Perryton, TX
                  Price, Dennis Special Education Director (Amarillo
                         I.S.D.), Amarillo, TX
                  Wilder, Ann Director of Special Education (Amarillo
                         I.S.D.), Amarillo, TX

   Providing written testimony:
       For:       Smith, Lauren (Association of Texas Professional
                         Educators), Austin, TX