SB 1839
Human Services Committee

May 15, 2001 - upon final adjourn./recess
    For:      Carter, Candice (AARP)
              Ferris, Beth (Texas Advocates for Nursing Home
              Higgins, Carlos (Self)
              Latimer, David (Texas Association of Services and Homes
              for the Aging)
              Sandlin, Abby (Texas Watch)
    On:       Davis, Will D. (Texas Medical Liability Insurance
              Underwriting Association)
              Graves, Tim (Texas Health Care Association)
              Mah, C.H. (Texas Department of Insurance)
   Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Ramsey, Mike (Texas Trial Lawyers Association)
    Against:  Abitua, Angel (Texas Citizens for a Sound Economy)
              Killgore, Farrol E. (Air Force Village Residents)
              Lear, Homer W. (Air Force Village Residents)
              Lundgren, Shirley (Self)
              Metcalf, Robert (Self and Air Force Village Residents)
              Smith, Mike T. (Air Force Village Residents)
              Taylor, Jr., Harry W. (Self and Air Force Village
              Tuemblay, James (Self and Air Force Village Residents)
              Tuttle, Tom (Air Force Villages)
    On:       Hale, Karen (Texas Department of Mental Health and
              Mental Retardation)
              Williams, Keith (Texas Department of Mental Health and
              Mental Retardation)
  Amendment (Raymond/Amendment #1)
    On:       Hooser, Greg (Private Providers Association of Texas)