Business & Industry Committee
February 20, 2001-2:00P

HB 719
    For:      Caldwell, Jim (Self)
              Holtermann, John W. (Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)
    On:       Capitano, Jr., John (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Cummings, Bill (Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)
              Hengarling, Charles A. (Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)
    Against:  Watson, Ben T. (Sprint)

HB 719 Committee Substitute (HB 719)
    For:      Jewell, Michael (AT&T)

HB 732
    For:      Bower, Bruce P. (Texas Senior Advocacy Coalition)
              Breisemeister, Janee (Consumers Union)
              Caldwell, Jim (Self)
              Cummings, Bill (Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)
              Smith, Clinton (Self and Austin Gray Panthers)
    Against:  Donnellan, Bob (Verizon Wireless)
              Jewell, Michael (AT&T)
              Ratliff, Thomas (AT&T Wireless, Voicestream Wireless,
                   Western Wireless, Texas Association of Paging
    On:       Parker, Diane (Public Utility Commission of Texas)

HB 1034
    For:      Bower, Bruce P. (Texas Senior Advocacy)
              Briesemeister, Janee (Consumers Union)
              Cummings, Bill (Texas Silvered-Haired Legislation)
    Against:  Donnellan, Bob (Verizon Wireless)
              Jewell, Michael (AT&T)
              Ratliff, Thomas (AT&T Wireless, Voicestream Wireless,
                   Western Wireless, TX. Assoc. of Paging Services)
    On:       Parker, Diane (Public Utility Commission of Texas)

HB 1192
    Against:  Class, Ramon (Self)
              Hinojosa, Walter (The Texas AFL-CIO)
              Raab, Ted Melina (Texas State Employees Union)
    On:       Beals, M.D., Ronald D. (SORM)
              Josselet, Ron (State Office of Risk Management)
              McAnally, Scott (Research & Oversight Council on Workers

HB 1203
    On:       Josselet, Ron (State Office of Risk Management)
              Rider, Martha (SORM)