WITNESS LIST Higher Education Committee February 27, 2001-4:00P HB 400 Registering, but not testifying: For: Ashby, Mrs. Cindy (Texas School Counselors Association; Texas Counseling Association) HB 461 For: Tucker, Miss Dustee (Self and The University of North Texas Student Government) On: Delmark, Mrs. Sue (The University of North Texas Recreational Sports) Pohl, Dr. Norval F. (The University of North Texas) Registering, but not testifying: For: McClendon, Mr. Michael (Self and The University of North Texas Student Government Association) Reyes, Mr. Israel D. (Assoc. of Latin American Citizens; L.U.L.A.C.; The Hispanic Business Students Assoc.) Wilborn II, Mr. Andrew (The National Association of Black Accountants) Willis, Ms. Shandria (North Texas Forty Student Foundation; National Pan Hellenic Council) On: Diebel, Mr. Phil (The University of North Texas) Jacobs, Dr. Bonita C. (Vice President for Student Development, The University of North Texas) HB 462 Registering, but not testifying: On: Diebel, Mr. Phil (The University of North Texas) Forrer, Dr. Daniel S. (The University of North Texas Student Health and Wellness Center) Jacobs, Dr. Bonita C. (The University of North Texas) Pohl, Dr. Norval F. (The University of North Texas) HB 753 On: Stancel, Dr. George M. (Self and The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston) Registering, but not testifying: On: Tomasovic, Dr. Stephen (The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) HB 963 On: Segura, Dr. Bill (Texas State Technical College System) HB 1029 For: Ashcroft-Smith, Mr. Cliff (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Croft, Ms. Randi (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Dayton, Ms. Tina (Self and Mrs. Laurie Bricker) Driscoll, Mr. John (Self and his family) Kruger, Mrs. Lea (Self and Debbie Hanna) Lefko, Miss Hilary B. (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Malik, Mrs. Anjum (Self) Parker, Mr. Rusty (Self) Peeler, Mr. Price Johnson (Self) Poonawala, Mr. Nadir (Self) Roberts, Mr. Daron (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Simon, Ms. Jaclyn (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Virgil, Ms. Lauren (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Walker, Ms. Judy (Sammie Joseph, Jr. and Sammie Joseph III) White, Ms. Jacquelyn (University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Williams, Mr. Terry (Self) On: Ambrosino, Dr. Rosalie (The University of Texas at San Antonio) Faulkner, Dr. Larry R. (The University of Texas at Austin) Nevarez, Dr. Miguel A. (The University of Texas-Pan American) Wright, Dr. George C. (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Sour, Miss Andrea (The University of Texas at Austin Student Government) Against: Garcia, Mr. Michael C. (Self) On: Walker, Dr. Bruce (Self) HB 1270 For: Eaton, Ms. Holly (Texas Classroom Teachers Association) Smith, Ms. Lauren (Association of Texas Professional Educators) Wall, Ms. Marjorie (Texas State Teachers Association) Registering, but not testifying: For: De Leon, Mr. Marty (Texas Association of School Boards) Lara, Mr. Rene (Texas Federation of Teachers) HB 1467 For: Fonte, Dr. Richard (Austin Community College) Hudson, Mr. Don (Texas Association of Community Colleges) Registering, but not testifying: For: Davis, Dr. Lillian (Austin Community College) HB 1545 On: Burck, Mr. Dan (The University of Texas System) Registering, but not testifying: On: Behrens, Mr. Joe (The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Dorn, Mr. James P. (The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Franklin, Mr. Charles (The University of Texas at Austin) Martinez, Mr. Art (The University of Texas System) Morris, Mr. Brett L. (The University of Texas System) Self, Mr. Floyd (The University of Texas at Austin) Stafford, Dr. Joe (The University of Texas System) Stoutner, Mr. Eric (The University of Texas at Austin Division of Recreational Sports) Treichel, Mr. Jeff (The University of Texas at Austin) Williams, Mr. Dan (Self) HB 1576 For: Diaz, Mr. Christopher (Self) Earvin, Dr. Larry L. (Huston-Tillotson College) Registering, but not testifying: For: Eaton, Ms. Holly (Texas Classroom Teachers Association) Hutto, Ms. Kathy (Baylor University) McDonald, Ms. Carol (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.) HB 1641 For: Kauffman, Mr. Al (Self and Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) Registering, but not testifying: For: Escobar, Ms. Felicia (The National Council of La Raza) SB 149 For: McDonald, Ms. Carol (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.) On: Caldwell, Mrs. Jane (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hutto, Ms. Kathy (Baylor University) 30th Anniversary T.E.G. Program For: Hall, Dr. Lanny (Self and Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.) McDonald, Ms. Carol (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.)