WITNESS LIST Judicial Affairs Committee March 12, 2001-2:00P HB 628 For: Anderson, Carla Marie (Judge Guy Herman, Presiding Statutory Judge, Travis County) Carnes, Donald (Self and Judge Guy Herman) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts) HB 628 Committee Substitute (Deshotel/CSHB 628) For: Anderson, Carla Marie (Judge Guy Herman) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts) HB 923 Registering, but not testifying: For: Bresnen, Steve (Texas Trial Lawyers) Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts of Texas) HB 1037 For: Anderson, Carla Marie (Judge Guy Herman, Presiding Statutory Court Probate Judge, Travis County) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts of Texas) HB 1037 Committee Substitute (Hartnett/CSHB 1037) For: Anderson, Carla Marie (Judge Guy Herman, Presiding Statutory Court Probate Judge, Travis County) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts of Texas) HB 1041 For: Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County Commissioners' Court) HB 1073 For: Solis, Aries (Judge Guy Herman) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts) HB 1256 On: Dickson, Donald W. (The Honorable Randy Ellisor , JP, Pct 3) Willing, Seana (State Commission on Judicial Conduct) HB 1791 For: Sagebiel, James E. (Self and Guadalpue County Commissioners' Court) HB 1979 For: Gonzalez, Judge Alex (El Paso County Courts at Law) Herrera, Ricardo (El Paso County Commissioners Court and Council of Jdgs.) Lizarraga, Marcos (Self and Jaime Esparza, District Attorney for 34th Jud. Dist.) Registering, but not testifying: For: Garcia, Joe (County of El Paso) Kastrin, Deborah (El Paso County Commissioners' Court) HB 1979 Committee Substitute (Deshotel/CSHB 1979) For: Alarcon, Flora (El Paso County Courts at Law) HB 2053 For: Boyle, Matthew (City of Trophy Club & City of Westlake) HB 2314 For: Windle, Judge Don (Denton County Commissioners' Court & Statutory County Judges & Probate Court)