WITNESS LIST Judicial Affairs Committee April 30, 2001-2:00P HB 3203 For: Pardue, Craig (Dallas County) SB 303 For: Rice, Jr., Chuck (Texas Ass'n of State Judges) SB 303 Committee Substitute (Capelo/CSSB 303) Rice, Jr., Chuck (Texas Ass'n of State Judges) SB 941 Committee Substitute (Thompson/CSSB 941) Registering, but not testifying: For: Herman, Judge Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate Courts) SB 1210 Registering, but not testifying: Against: Feldman, Cris (Texans for Public Justice) SB 1210 Committee Substitute (Solis/CSSB 1210) For: Feldman, Cris (Texans for Public Justice) Woodford, Suzy (Self and Common Cause Texas) SB 1433 Registering, but not testifying: For: Langley, J.D. (Self and Judges in Brazos County)