WITNESS LIST Public Education Committee (Subcommittee on Teacher Shortage Issues) August 23, 2002-10:30A Teacher Shortage On: Bonesteel, Susan (U.S. Department of Education) Brown, Don W. (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board) Franz, Bill (State Board for Educator Certification) Fuller, Edward J. (State Board for Educator Certification) Hudson, Don (Texas Association of Community Colleges) Jones, Adam (Texas Education Agency) Lang, Gaye (U.S. Department of Education) Lerner, Barbara (Texas Woman's University) Porter, Patricia (State Board for Educator Certification) Swigger, Keith (Texas Woman's University) Tackett, Pam (Texas Association of Community Colleges) Wale, William M. (State Board for Educator Certification) Wall, Marjorie (Texas State Teachers Association) White, Gloria A. (Texas Higher Education Board) Registering, but not testifying: On: Alexander, Celeste (State Board for Educator Certification) DePalermo, Tom (Texas Workforce Commission) Yacono, Joseph A. (Texas Workforce Commission)