Public Health Committee
April 25, 2001-1:30P

HB 398 Committee Substitute (Smith/#1)
    For:      Freeman, Harold (TX Medical Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)

HB 1221 Committee Substitute (Maxey/#1)
    For:      Blakely, John (Covenant Health System)
              Jenkins, Kristin (JPS Health Network / Tarrant County
                   Hospital District)
              McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
              Speight, Susan (Self and TX Association for Marriage and
                   Family Therapy)
              Stone, Susan (TX Children's Hospital)
    Against:  Davis, Will D. (TX Association Life & Health Insurers
              Gates, Carole (Cigna Corp)
              Gerstenschlager, Merry Lynn (Self and TX Eagle Forum)
              Hammond, Bill (TX Association of Business)
              Heasley, John (TX Bankers Association)
              Knepp, Christopher A. (TX Employment Law Council)
              Pinkus, David (Small Business United of Texas)
              Rodgers, Kelly (Alliance for Responsible Information
              Stevens, Marybeth (American Council of Life Insurers)
    On:       Chernov, M.D., Allan (Aetna)
              Donoho, Patrick (Pharmaceutical)
              Kaufman, Todd (Genetech, Inc.)
              Mertz, Alan (Healthcare Leadership Council & TX
                   Association of Business & Chambers of Commerce)
              Reagan, Karen (TX Retailers Association & TX Federation
                   of Drug Stores)
              Stewart, Anna F. (Self)
              Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Ashby, Cindy (TX Counseling Association)
              McPherson, Kim (The Mental Health Association in Texas)
              Mizcles, Amy (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of
    Against:  Chiodo, Diana (American Electronics Association)
              Manross, Lee (TX Association of Health Underwriters)
              McCarty, Tom (TX Association of PPO's)
              Neeley, Karen (Independent ankers Assn. of Texas)
              Payne, Tyson (TX Association of Insurance & Financial
              Pollard, Mike (TX Association of Life & Health Insurers)
              Thompson, Jay (AFACT, TALHI, Farm Bureau, Inc.)
              Wayne, Ralph (TX Civil Justice League)
              Woods, Joe (Alliance of American Insurers)
    On:       Guckian, Dr. James (Univ. of TX System)
              Hill, Holli (Health Insurance Association of America)
              Wiegman, Linda (TDH)

HB 1497 Committee Substitute (Farabee/#1)
    For:      McClure, Spencer (TX Council of Community MHMR Centers,
              Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Craven, Susan (Texans Care for Children)
              McPherson, Kim (The Mental Health Association in Texas)
              Mizcles, Amy (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of

HCR 235
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)

SB 11
    For:      Davis, Will D. (TX Association Life & Health Insurers
              Gates, Carole (Cigna Corp.)
              Glenn, Eric (Human, Inc.)
              Heasley, John (TX Banders Association)
              McAnally, Bruce (Self)
              McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
              Reagan, Karen (TX Retailers Association & TX Federation
                   of Drug Stores)
              Rodgers, Kelly (Alliance for Responsible Information
              Speight, Susan (TX Association of Marriage and Family
              Stevens, Marybeth (American Council of Life Insurers)
    On:       Blakey, John (Covenant Health System)
              Donoho, Patrick (Pharmaceutical Care Management Assn.)
              Hammond, Hill (TX Assoc. of Business)
              Jenkins, Kristin (JPS Health Network / Tarrant County
                   Hospital District)
              Kaufman, Todd (Genetech, Inc.)
              Mertz, Alan (Healthcare Leadership Council)
              Pinkus, David (Small Business United of Texas)
              Stewart, Anna F. (Self)
              Stone, Susan (TX Children's Hospital)
              Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Chernov, MD, Allan (Aetna)
              Hill, Holli (Health Insurances Association of America)
              Hutzler, Shirley H. (TX Association of Health
              Ireland, Jill M. (Self)
              Manross, Lee (TX Association of Health Underwriters)
              McPherson, Kim (The Menal HEalth Association in Texas)
              Mizcles, Amy (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of
              Neeley, Karen (Independent Bankers Association of Texas)
              Parker, Becky (Self)
              Payne, Tyson (TX Association of Insurance & Financial
              Pollard, Mike (TX Association of Life & Health Insurers)
              Rummel, Leah (TX Association of Health Plans)
              Thompson, Jay (AFACT, TALHI, Farm Bureau Ins. Co.)
              Woods, Joe (Alliance of American Insurers)
    On:       Guckian, Dr. James (Univ. of TX System)
              Mitchell, Beth (Advocacy, Inc.)
              Wiegman, Linda (TDH)

SB 261 Committee Substitute (Bernsen/#1)
    On:       Mahlow, Jane (TDH)

SB 558
    For:      Denton, Douglas (Association of Substance Abuse Programs
                   of Texas)
              Turnage, Dr. Thomas (Self)
    On:       Kimbrough, Jay (TCADA)

SB 581
  Registering, but not testifying:
    Against:  Herman, Guy (Self and Judges of the Statutory Probate
                   Courts of Texas)

SB 643 Amendment (Madla/#1)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Butler, Dr. Chris (TX Association of Acupuncture &
                   Oriental Medicine)
    On:       Langley, DVM, MD,JD, F.M. (TX State Board of Medical

SB 684 Amendment (Madla/#1)
    For:      Speight, Susan (Self and TX Association of Marriage and
                   Family Therapy)
              Van Horn, Thomas (Self)
              White, Thomas (Self and TX Academy of Physician
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Ashby, Cindy (TX Counseling Association)
              Branson, PA, Richard (TX Academy of Physician
              Drobnica, PAC, John (tX Academy of Physician Assistants)
              Hernandez, Leslie (National Association of Social
                   Workers / Texas)

SB 766 Amendment (Madla#1)
    On:       Blackwell, Bobby G. (Self)
              Tennyson, Susan (TDH, Bureau of Food & Drug Safety)

SB 832 Amendment (Moncrief/#1)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Craven, Susan (Texas Care For Children)
              McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
    On:       Salinas, Mario (TX Comptroller)

SB 1300 Committee Substitute (Cain/#1)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Freeman, Harold (TX Medical Association)
    On:       Langley, DVM, MD,JD, F.M. (Board of Medical Examiners)

SB 1586
    On:       Brunson, Jeane (County and District Clerks Association
                   of Texas)
              Henderson, Suzanne (Self)
              Streater, Joy (Self)
              Wiegman, Linda (TDH)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Flores, Fernando (Local Registrar of Birth & Death)