Public Health Committee
May 9, 2001-8:30A

SB 531
    For:      Gallier, Martha (American Heart Association, TX
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Gallinghouse, M.D., Joe (American Heart Association)
              Middleton, Greg (Self)
    On:       Arnold, Jim (TDH)
              Hilliard, Ron (TDH - Bureau of Emergency Management)

SB 556
    For:      Cowgill, Jim (TX Silver-Haired Legislators)
              Cummings, Bill (TX Silver-Haired Legislators)
              McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
    Against:  Nance, Millard (TX Pharmacy Practice Coalition)
    On:       Gladden, Patricia C. (TDH)
              Horn, Bernie (Center for Public Policy Alternatives)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Caldwell, Jim (TX Silver-Haired Legislators)
              Higgins, Carlos (Self and TX Silver-Haired Legislators)
              West, Gaston (TX Silver-Haired Legislators)
    Against:  Vordenbaumen, Tim L. (Coalition of Texas Long Term

SB 1588
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Lovelace, Joe (National Alliance for the Mentall Ill of
                   TX (NAMI))
              Roy, Tom E. (JPS Health Network)
              Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association)

SB 1767 Committee Substitute (Carona/#1)
    For:      Barton, Melanie (Dallas County)
              Secrest, M.D., Leslie H. (Presbyterian Hospital of
                   Dallas, TX Health Resources, TX Society of
                   Psychiatric Physicians)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Bush, John R. (TX Society of Psychiatric Physicians)
              Lovelace, Joe (National Alliance for the Mentall Ill of
                   TX (NAMI))
              Tesmer, David (TX Health Resources)
              Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association)