WITNESS LIST Public Health Committee May 16, 2001-8:30A SB 279 Amendment (Nelson/#1) Registering, but not testifying: For: Merriam, Rosemary (Women's Health & Family Planning Assoc.) On: Evans, John (TDH) Jones, Cecil (TDH) SB 283 Registering, but not testifying: On: Salinas, Mario (Comptroller's Office) Wertz, Linda (HHSC) Wilson, Sheri (TDH) SB 284 Registering, but not testifying: For: Hillier, King (TX Association of Public & Non Profit Hospitals) Ruffing, Therese (TX Assn. of Heath Plans) On: Wertz, Linda (HHSC) Wilson, Sheri (TDH) SB 332 Registering, but not testifying: For: Roy, Tom E. (JPS Health Network) SB 514 Registering, but not testifying: For: Carriker, Steven A. (TX Assn. of Community Health Centers) Woolbert, Lynda (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice) SB 595 For: Wilcox, Donald "Rocky" (TX Medical Association) Against: McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union) On: Shackelford, Michele (TX State Baord of Medical Examiners) SB 791 Amendment (Harris/#1) Registering, but not testifying: On: Zukowski, Dr. Jim (TDH - Professional Licensing and Certification Division) SB 876 Committee Substitute (Moncrief/#1) For: Hayes, Aaryce (Advocacy, Inc.) Kern, Diana (Self and NAMI - National Alliance of the Mentally Ill of TX) Walker, Katherlyn (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Baker, Kimberly (Self) Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities) Breeding, John (Texans for Safe Education) Ferris, Beth (TX Advocates for Nursing Home Residents) Garrett, Karen (Self) McPherson, Kim (The Mental Health Association in Texas) Prough, Andrew (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) Redmond, Leigh (TX Mental Health Consumers) Rowl, Morene (Self) Stafford, Kirby L. (Self) Stafford, Veronica (Self) On: Gold, Marc (TX DHS) Minot, Reid (TX Hospital Association) SB 1024 Registering, but not testifying: On: Hymans, Allen M. (TX State Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners) SB 1029 Registering, but not testifying: For: Crowe, Michael (El Paso County Hosp. District) Hillier, King (TX Association of Public & Non PRofit Hospitals) Jenkins, Kristin (Tarrant county Hospital District d/b/a JPS Health Network) Martinez, Ray (TX Conference of Urban Counties) Wall, Matthew T. (TX Hospital Association) On: Freitag, Jr., Walter E. (Harris County Hospital District) Gay, Marva (Harris County Hospital District) SB 1041 Registering, but not testifying: On: Gibson, Linda (TX Comptroller's Office) SB 1050 Amendment (Van de Putte/#1) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hutto, Kathy (Baylor University) On: Briseno, Elias (TDH) SB 1051 Amendment (Shapleigh, Madla/#1) On: Nichols, Donna (TDH) SB 1299 Amendment (Lucio, Shapleigh/#1) On: McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union) Registering, but not testifying: On: Palmer, David (TDH) Wertz, Linda (HHSC)