Urban Affairs Committee
(Subcommittee on HB 818, 1507, 1508, 1510, 1530, 1531)
March 27, 2001-2:00P

HB 818
    For:      Villarreal, Johnny (Houston Professional Fire Fighters
                   Local 341)
              Williams, Steven (Houston Professional Fire Fighters
                   Union Local 341)
    Against:  Connealy, Chris (City of Houston)
              Haines, Al (City of Houston)
              Vara, Lonnie (City of Houston)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Bailey, Ken (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)
              Boriskie, Phil (Houston Professional Fire Fighters)
              Rouse, Pete (Houston Professional Fire Fighters Local
    Against:  Trevino, Hector (City of Houston)