Jurisprudence Committee
February 12, 2001 - 1:30P

SB 233
       ON:        Baldwin, Jr., Howard G. Deputy Atty. General for
                         Child Support (Office of Attorney General),
                         Austin, TX

SB 236
       ON:        Baldwin, Jr., Howard G. Deputy Attny. General for
                         Child Support (Office of Attorney General),
                         Austin, TX

SB 479

  Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Ramsey, Lesley Graphic Designer (Self), Austin, TX
       On:        Reeves, Beverly E. Manager, Crime Information Bureau
                         (Texas Department of Public Safety), Austin,

SB 486
       FOR:       Barnhill, John R. Asst. Harris County Attorney
                         (Harris County), Houston, TX
                  Hetzel, Harvey L. Juvenile Probation officer (Harris
                         County), Houston, TX

SB 495
       FOR:       Ott, Judge Patricia Justice of the Peace (Justices
                         of the Peace and Constables Association,
                         Inc.), Round Rock, TX
                  Purgahn, Diane (Self), Port Arthur, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Williams, John H. Retired J.P. (Justice of the Peace
                         and Constables Association), Robstown, TX
       On:        Miller, Kenneth W. Training Specialist (Texas
                         Justice Court Training Center), Austin, TX

  Providing written testimony:
       On:        Broline, Patricia F. Attorney - General Counsel
                         (Texas Justice Court Training Center),
                         Austin, TX