Amend HB 57 by striking page 2, line 5, through page 3, line 
6, and substituting the following:
	(b)  The director shall:                                                       
		(1)  help coordinate state and federal programs dealing 
with the same subject;
		(2)  inform the governor and the legislature of federal 
programs that may be carried out in the state or that affect state 
		(3)  provide federal agencies and the United States 
Congress with information about state policy and state conditions 
on matters that concern the federal government;
		(4)  regularly provide the governor and legislature 
with information useful in measuring the effect of federal actions 
on the state and local programs; and
		(5)  prepare and supply to the governor and all members 
of the legislature an annual report that:
			(A)  describes the office's operations;                                      
			(B)  contains the office's priorities and 
strategies for the following year;
			(C)  details projects and legislation pursued by 
the office;               
			(D)  discusses issues in the following 
congressional session of interest to this state; and
			(E)  contains an analysis of federal funds 
availability and formulae[; and
		[(6)  prepare annually a complete and detailed written 
report accounting for all funds received and disbursed by the 
office during the preceding fiscal year].