Amend SB 21 by adding the following section to the bill, 
appropriately numbered, and renumbering existing sections 
	SECTION ___.  Section 91.071(b), Transportation Code, as 
added by HB 3588, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 
2003, is amended to read as follows:
	(b)  Each fiscal year, the total amount disbursed by the 
department out of federal and state funds shall not exceed $12.5 
million.  This subsection does not apply to:
		(1)  disbursements for the acquisition or construction 
of rail lines on the Trans-Texas Corridor;
		(2)  the acquisition of abandoned rail facilities 
described in Section 91.007;
		(3)  funding derived from:                                             
			(A)  the issuance of bonds;                                    
			(B)  [,] private investment;                  
			(C)  [,] donations; or                        
			(D)  [, and] grants, [or] loans, or reimbursements 
that are provided from the Federal Railroad Administration, the
[or] Federal Transit Administration, or any other federal agency 
that may be spent for rail facilities;
		(4)  grant money awarded by the governor from the Texas 
Enterprise Fund;
		(5)  federal funds authorized and appropriated for a 
specific rail project in this state; and
		(6) [(4)]  grading and bed preparation.