H.B. 57 78(1)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 57
By: Casteel
Government Reform
Committee Report (Unamended)


Since 1971, the Office of State-Federal Relations has operated as a
separate agency with numerous successes but has been burdened with
administrative requirements that divert the agency from achieving its core
mission of communicating the state's priorities to the federal government.

Under HB 57, the Office of State-Federal Relations will operate as a
division within the Office of the Governor and makes the necessary
conforming changes needed for operation of the division. 


Rulemaking authority is transferred from the Office of State-Federal
Relations to the Governor's Office in SECTION 13 (Section 401.152,
Government Code). 


HB 57 transfers the Office of State-Federal Relations to the Governor's
Office and requires the Governor to appoint the director of the office.
Changes the Office of State-Federal Relations Advisory Policy Board to the
State-Federal Relations Advisory Board.  Gives the Governor's Office of
Budget, Planning, and Policy primary responsibility for monitoring and
reporting on the state's efforts to ensure receipt of an equitable share
of federal formula funds. 


This Act takes effect November 1, 2003.