By:  Allen                                                        H.B. No. 51 

relating to the creation of a select committee to study prison privatization. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. CREATION. The select committee on prison privatization is created. SECTION 2. COMPOSITION. (a) The select committee is composed of: (1) three members appointed by the governor; (2) three members of the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor; and (3) three members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. (b) Each individual required to make an appointment under Subsection (a) of this section shall make the appointment as soon as possible after the effective date of this Act, but not later than January 15, 2004. (c) The governor shall designate one member of the select committee to serve as the presiding officer of the committee. SECTION 3. DUTIES. (a) The select committee shall prepare a report that, for the purposes of comparing cost-effectiveness and program effectiveness of prison facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and prison facilities operated by or potentially operated by private contractors, analyzes the following issues: (1) the best possible methods and processes for administering and monitoring contracts for prison privatization; (2) whether an existing agency of the state or a new agency should administer future prison privatization contracts; (3) the probable cost savings to the state if prison privatization is increased; (4) the standards that should be used to compare program effectiveness and the best methods for comparing costs for provision of programs by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and costs for provision of programs by contractors; (5) the history of prison privatization efforts in this state and in other populous states, with special emphasis on subissues related to program effectiveness, performance records, cost savings, ethical concerns, and impact on relevant communities; (6) as to potential contractors, the backgrounds and past performances of those contractors; (7) which facilities or services currently primarily provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice could best be performed by a contractor; and (8) whether ethical standards could be adopted to protect the state from corruption or ethical conflicts. (a-1) The Legislative Budget Board, the comptroller, and the state auditor shall comply with requests for assistance from the select committee as necessary to assist the committee in performing the committee's duties under this Act. (b) In addition to the issues described by Subsection (a) of this section, the report must analyze the impact that the privatization of a Texas Department of Criminal Justice facility or function would have on the community in which the function is performed or the facility is located, including economic impact, workforce impact, and impact on community facilities and services. (b-1) The presiding officer of the select committee shall instruct the members of the committee that in analyzing the issues described by Subsection (a) of this section, the members if possible shall compare the past and the predicted performances of private contractors with the past and predicted performances of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. (c) In addition to the information required by Subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the report must contain a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the performance of vendors operating facilities under Subtitle G, Title 4, Government Code, and the performance of facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice that provide the same level of programs and services. The report must analyze programs and services provided not just for inmates in the general population, but also for inmates in geriatric programs, in-prison therapeutic facilities, administrative segregation, and other programs not provided to inmates in the general population. The comparison must provide information on the operations of each vendor and comparable department programs and facilities, including information about treatment programs implemented, numbers of escapes, major disciplinary events, and other matters determined to be important by the select committee. (d) The select committee shall present copies of the report not later than December 1, 2004, to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives. (e) In preparing the report under this section, the select committee shall pay particular attention to identifying overhead costs to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and overhead costs to private contractors, and shall present that information in a manner that provides for meaningful comparisons of costs of providing correctional services. The overhead costs described by this subsection include medical costs, transportation costs, facilities and maintenance costs, and similar costs. The report must also identify any increase in costs to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for items described by this subsection in the event that some or all of the functions described by those items are performed under contract. SECTION 4. HEARINGS. The select committee, for the purpose of gathering information necessary for the preparation of the report required by Section 3 of this Act, shall hold at least four public hearings. At least one of the hearings must be held in a municipality with a population greater than one million and at least two of the hearings must be held in a municipality or county in which more than one division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice operates a facility or performs a function. SECTION 5. FUNDS TRANSFER. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the select committee to provide the committee with not less than $200,000 from the department's budget for the biennium ending August 31, 2005. The select committee shall use funds received from the department under this section to hire technical assistance that is professional and unbiased and that will assist the committee in performing its duties under this Act. The department and the select committee shall enter into the memorandum of understanding not later than January 31, 2004. The memorandum must specify that the funds will be transferred to the select committee according to a schedule established by the select committee. SECTION 5A. CONFLICTS PROHIBITED. A member of the select committee or an employee of or person who contracts with the committee may not have a direct financial interest in an entity that contracts for the provision of prison beds or other correctional services with: (1) this state or a political subdivision of this state; (2) another state or a political subdivision of another state; or (3) the federal government. SECTION 6. EXPIRATION. The select committee is abolished and this Act expires December 31, 2004. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect on the 91st day after the last day of the legislative session.