78S10382 MDM-D

By:  Escobar                                                      H.R. No. 63 

WHEREAS, Members of The Kingsmen Social Club of Kingsville have long contributed to society through their personal accomplishments and public service; and WHEREAS, The Kingsmen were organized in 1960 by Alex Alexander, who envisioned a club that would help to compensate for the lack of jobs and activities geared toward young people in the surrounding rural area; with Mr. Alexander's steadfast support, a number of male students at H. M. King High School formed an organization that greatly benefited both its members and the city of Kingsville; and WHEREAS, Participants in The Kingsmen Social Club included Jimmy Martinez, Ben Figueroa, Gilbert Alvarez, George Truan, Mike Alvarez, Joel Zapata, Joe Vera, Robert Carrillo, Facundo Vasquez, Alfonso Ramos, Rudy Ramos, Luis Garcia, Larry Garza, Robert Rios, Tony Torres, Israel Martinez, and Corando Trevino; in addition to Mr. Alexander, sponsors were H. H. Garza and Rudy Soliz, all exemplary gentlemen who offered encouragement and guidance; and WHEREAS, The Kingsmen worked after school and during summers, completed projects of benefit to their community, and provided assistance to those in need; during the club's existence from 1960 to 1964, sponsors and members coordinated dances for local teenagers that featured bands such as Sunny Ozuna and the SunGlows, Rudy and Reno Bops, the Johnny Canales Orchestra, the Con-Tiki Trio, the Oscar Martinez Orchestra, the Beto Cavazos Orchestra, the Dinos, and Carlos Guzman; and WHEREAS, The legacy of The Kingsmen Social Club continues to positively influence Texans, for club members have gone on to achieve success in a range of endeavors, earning college and graduate degrees, serving their country in the Vietnam War, raising families, establishing successful careers, and taking on the role of mentor to succeeding generations; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, recognize all those affiliated with The Kingsmen Social Club for their exceptional contributions to their communities.