78S10790 JNC-D

By:  Brown of Kaufman                                             H.R. No. 153

WHEREAS, Residents of Terrell lost a beloved neighbor and friend with the passing of William Albert Porter on July 15, 2003; and WHEREAS, One of nine children, Mr. Porter was born January 22, 1909, on the Porter Farm, where he lived 78 of his 94 years; and WHEREAS, He graduated from Terrell High School and went on to attend Texas A&M University, where he served as business manager of the 1930 university annual and earned a bachelor of science degree in agricultural administration; after graduation, he was able to apply his studies with the Soil Conservation Service, helping to coordinate the work of eight Civilian Conservation Corps camps; and WHEREAS, This notable Texan rendered distinguished service to his country, working in infantry replacement training camps and serving in the 503rd Port Battalion in the Philippines and on a ship returning prisoners of war to Japan; achieving the advanced rank of lieutenant colonel, he returned home and continued to serve in the Infantry Reserve for many years; and WHEREAS, In 1946, Mr. Porter and his brother Harry became partners in the Porter Farm, where they worked together in ranching, farming, seed processing, and sales; he was active in the Farm Bureau and helped to organize the North Terrell 4-H Club; and WHEREAS, A deeply religious man who lived by his faith, Mr. Porter was a member of the First Baptist Church of Terrell and served as a Sunday school teacher, deacon, and trustee; he was also involved in the Kauf-Van Baptist Association and was a life member of the Southwestern Theological Seminary Advisory Council; and WHEREAS, Mr. Porter gave generously of his time and talents to worthwhile initiatives in his community, serving on the committees responsible for the creation of Blackland Income Growth and Build East Texas and devoting two years as president of the school board for the Terrell Independent School District; and WHEREAS, Married for 67 years, Mr. Porter and Lucile Childers Porter exemplified mutual love, trust, and respect throughout their years together; they were blessed with a daughter, Billie Pat Porter Jones, and a son, John Brooks Porter, who became a partner of Porter Farm; and WHEREAS, Those who were privileged to know Bill Porter will long miss his faithful spirit, but his memory will surely live on in the hearts of the many people whose lives he touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of William Albert Porter and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Lucile; to his daughter, Billie Pat Porter Jones, and her husband, Leo Jones; to his son, John Brooks Porter, and his wife, Carolyn Porter; to his grandchildren, Rebecca Porter, Karen Jones McKinney and her husband, Cliff McKinney, Janet Porter Stovall and her husband, Jeremy Stovall, and David Jones; to his great-grandson, Blake Porter Stovall; and to his many other relatives and friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of William Albert Porter.