H.R. No. 158

WHEREAS, Members of the 143rd Infantry Regiment, one of the first American units to land in Europe during World War II, are celebrating the 60th anniversary of that historic event; and WHEREAS, The 143rd was mobilized on November 25, 1940, as part of the 36th Infantry Division; after training at Camp Bowie in Brownwood, and later at Camp Blandings in Florida and Fort Edwards in Massachusetts, the regiment shipped out for North Africa in April 1943; and WHEREAS, On September 9, 1943, the 143rd took part in the first American invasion of mainland Europe, going ashore at the town of Paestum, near Salerno, Italy; resistance was intense, and the casualties the unit sustained there rank as some of the heaviest in its history; the following December the regiment succeeded in capturing San Pietro, thus breaking the Winter Line, and on June 4, 1944, the troops of the 143rd became the first Allied force to reach Rome; and WHEREAS, Following campaigns in Italy, the regiment participated in the invasion of southern France and fought its way into Germany, where, in its last major battle, it breached the Siegfried Line and reached the Rhine; over the course of its service in World War II, the 143rd spent 386 days in combat, suffered 9,000 casualties, and captured 75,000 German soldiers; it earned five Presidential Unit Citations, and five members were awarded the Medal of Honor; and WHEREAS, This distinguished regiment, descended from Texas units formed in the 19th century and composed primarily of Central Texans throughout its history, was officially organized October 15, 1917, and first saw action in Europe in World War I; part of the Texas National Guard during peacetime, it has assisted civilian authorities in responding to such large-scale disasters as the New London school explosion of 1937 and the Waco tornado of 1953; in 1968, with the retirement of the 36th Infantry Division, the regiment was reorganized as an airborne unit; and WHEREAS, Citizens of the United States owe an immeasurable debt to the members of the 143rd Infantry Regiment, whose valiant efforts and great sacrifice helped to secure the Allied victory in World War II, and whose readiness to serve in time of peace as well as war has also contributed to the security of the nation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby honor members of the 143rd Infantry Regiment on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of their landing in Europe and extend to them profound gratitude for their heroic and selfless actions in this nation's behalf; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for members of the 143rd Infantry Regiment as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Dunnam ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 158 was adopted by the House on July 28, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House