78S10845 JHS-D

By:  Puente                                                       H.R. No. 179

WHEREAS, Dury's Gun Shop, which is celebrating the opening of its new store at the corner of Interstate 37 and Hot Wells Boulevard, has long been a highly respected fixture on San Antonio's South Side; and WHEREAS, Founded by John Dury in the garage of his parents' home, this venerable family-owned business has been meeting the needs of hunters, collectors, enthusiasts, and law enforcement officers since 1959; and WHEREAS, Along with his wife, Betty, sons Johnny and David, and daughter-in-law, Angie, Mr. Dury has established a reputation for honesty and integrity that has earned the business a loyal clientele; and WHEREAS, In addition to offering an array of firearms and accessories, Dury's Gun Shop provides gun appraisals, customized firearms, and general repair services; the knowledgeable staff also assists customers by locating rare and hard-to-find guns; and WHEREAS, With success comes growth, and the new 5,500-square-foot facility will allow the Dury family to expand its product line while continuing to provide the high-quality service for which it is justly known; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby pay tribute to Dury's Gun Shop and extend best wishes to the owners of this fine establishment for continued success in their new location; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Dury family as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.