WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize Colonel Thomas Madison for his outstanding career as a member of the United States Air Force; he is being honored for his military service during his family's reunion in Austin in October of 2003; and WHEREAS, Thomas Madison was born in Austin and graduated from Anderson High School; he earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry and mathematics from Huston-Tillotson College, a master's degree in chemistry from Tuskegee Institute, and a master's degree in business administration from Arizona State University; and WHEREAS, In 1953, he entered the United States Air Force as a second lieutenant, and he earned his pilot's wings in 1954; his duties in the Air Force included piloting a tactical jet fighter aircraft; in April of 1967, he was shot down and taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese; and WHEREAS, Colonel Madison was held in the Hanoi prisoner of war camp and endured the horrors of captivity for six years; for a time, he was imprisoned with Senator John McCain; his experiences as a prisoner of war are featured in the film Return With Honor; and WHEREAS, For his heroism and distinguished 30-year career in the Air Force, Colonel Madison earned a number of medals, including the Purple Heart, the Legion of Merit, and the Distinguished Flying Cross; and WHEREAS, After his return from Vietnam, Thomas Madison served 10 additional years in the Air Force as director of Accounting and Finance for United States Air Force Europe and Air Force Pacific; he retired as a colonel in 1983; he then had a successful 15-year career as a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch & Company, Incorporated; and WHEREAS, Thomas Madison's courage and determination when faced with adversity as a prisoner of war and throughout his career is truly inspirational and brought honor to himself, his family, and his country; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Colonel Thomas Madison for his distinguished military career and for the extraordinary tenacity he displayed as a prisoner of war and extend to him best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for him as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. Barrientos, Ellis, West ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on July 21, 2003. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate