H.R. No. 75 

WHEREAS, The family and friends of Ann Marie Davis-Meyer of Round Rock suffered a great loss with the passing of this beloved woman on June 5, 2003, at the age of 63; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Davis-Meyer was born July 2, 1939, in Taylor, Texas, and graduated from high school in Lake Charles, Louisiana; she worked for a period in the printing trade, during which time she belonged to the Graphic Artists International Union; and WHEREAS, In 1974 Mrs. Davis-Meyer joined the staff of the Texas Legislative Council, where she remained until her retirement in 2001; she began her career with the council in the proofreading department and spent 20 years there before transferring to the data transcription section in 1994; and WHEREAS, Highly valued for her skills, the excellence of her work, and her institutional knowledge, she was also treasured for the cheerful zest with which she approached life and for her unfailing thoughtfulness and generosity toward others; her warmheartedness was expressed in many ways, as in remembering colleagues with a gift on their birthday and at Christmas; those presents frequently included a Beanie Baby, until virtually every desk in data transcription boasted one of the little toys; and WHEREAS, A lover of country music, she also enjoyed trying her luck--generally, her very good luck--at the football pools, the lottery, bingo, and occasionally a casino; she was fond of dogs, as well, and refused to let an allergy to them stand in the way of adopting one; and WHEREAS, Ann Marie Davis married Kenneth Meyer in 1987, and with their union each partner delighted in gaining four additional children; Mrs. Davis-Meyer found her deepest source of pleasure and pride in her large, lively, and close-knit family; and WHEREAS, Although Ann Marie Davis-Meyer completed her journey on this earth far too soon, those who treasured this bright and caring spirit are deeply thankful that their lives intertwined, and the love they shared with her will live forever in their hearts; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby pay special tribute to the memory of Ann Marie Davis-Meyer and extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to her husband, Kenneth Meyer; to her children, Roxanne Arrick and her husband, Jim, Lynette Carrow and her husband, Jimmy, Lin Davis and his wife, Kathy, Ben Davis and his wife, Heather, Ken Meyer and his wife, Melissa, Carol Manhart and her husband, David, Joe Meyer and his wife, Jackie, and Chuck Meyer; to her mother, Margaret Weber; to her sister, Harriet Kubala and her husband, Sidney; to her brother, J. B. Pearson and his wife, Joan; to her 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; and to her other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ann Marie Davis-Meyer. Krusee ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 75 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on August 8, 2003. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House