78S20284 KMP-D

By:  Wilson                                                       H.R. No. 88 

WHEREAS, For more than half a century, Willie Lee Gay has dedicated her professional life to the research, study, and teaching of Texas history, and her accomplishments as both a historian and an educator are deserving of the very highest praise and commendation; and WHEREAS, A native of Cameron, the former Willie Lee Washington developed a passion for Lone Star history at an early age, and by 1959 she had completed both a B.A. in history and an M.A. in English at Texas Southern University; with the support and encouragement of her family, she embarked on a successful career in public education, and during her tenure as a history teacher at Carter G. Woodson Junior High School, which lasted until her retirement in 1986, she proved herself to be an educator of uncommon creativity, commitment, and compassion; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Gay's teaching has influenced the lives of countless citizens of Southeast Houston, including such elected officials as State Representative Ron Wilson and State Senator Rodney Ellis; in addition to her work as an instructor, she has pursued a lifelong quest to enrich our understanding of the Lone Star State's history, and in doing so she has located important historical artifacts, uncovered records at local archives, written definitive historical accounts, and contributed greatly to the efforts of local and state historical commissions; and WHEREAS, With innumerable honors, awards, and appointments to her credit, Mrs. Gay currently serves as a guide for the Harris County Heritage Society Museum and is a distinguished member of both the Texas State Historical Association and the Harris County Historical Commission; the first African American to serve on the Texas Historical Commission, she has created a legacy that will long be preserved in the archives of Texas Southern University's Willie Lee Gay Collection and in the work of the researchers who receive assistance from the Willie Lee Gay Permanent Endowment Fund; most recently, the Houston Community College System has named the Willie Lee Gay Hall in her honor, and we join with the residents of Houston in paying tribute to this truly outstanding citizen of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby commend Willie Lee Gay for her many remarkable contributions to the community of Houston and the State of Texas and extend to her best wishes for continued success and happiness in all her endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. Gay as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.