78R17613 KMP-F

By:  Alonzo                                                       H.R. No. 108

WHEREAS, In January 2002, the police departments of the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth joined together to launch the "Communities Banking for Safety: Seguridad Bancaria" program to protect Texans of Hispanic descent from robberies and residential burglaries; the pronounced success of this program led the Arlington Police Department to follow suit in November of that same year; and WHEREAS, Working in conjunction with the staff of the Mexican Consulate, these forward-thinking police departments have truly taken the initiative in our state's fight against crime; studies indicate that Hispanic residents are more likely than Texans of any other ethnic group to fall victim to crimes involving monetary theft, possibly due to a tendency to carry large sums of cash resulting from obstacles faced by individuals seeking to open bank accounts without traditionally accepted forms of identification; and WHEREAS, The Seguridad Bancaria program combats these dangers by providing information on crime prevention and financial safety and, in collaboration with many leading banks and financial service companies, has already helped to lessen the incidence of theft within the Hispanic community; among the organizations that have joined forces with the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington police departments in this significant effort are Univision, the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Dallas District of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; and WHEREAS, The program has also won more widespread acceptance in the community for the Mexican Consulate's identification card, the Matricula Consular, an official form of documentation that has helped Mexican nationals who live in Texas to open bank accounts, apply for power and water services, participate in city programs, and establish a strong and secure financial foundation for their families; and WHEREAS, By allowing individuals with forms of nontraditional identification, such as the Matricula Consular, to open bank accounts and by providing Hispanics with other important information, the entities involved in the Seguridad Bancaria program are promoting not only greater safety among these valued members of the Lone Star community, but greater economic opportunity as well, and the many outstanding Texans associated with the program are indeed worthy of special recognition for the creativity and commitment they have brought to bear on a significant crime problem in our state; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend all those who have made the Seguridad Bancaria program a resounding success in the prevention of crime in the communities of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington; and, be it further RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared for the police departments of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.