78S20016 JHS-D

By:  Baxter                                                       H.R. No. 129

WHEREAS, Lance Armstrong has joined the ranks of the truly legendary cyclists with his fifth consecutive victory in the Tour de France, defeating the sport's elite yet again in the world's most physically and mentally challenging sporting event; and WHEREAS, A native of Plano and a proud Texan, Mr. Armstrong makes his home in Austin when not training abroad or competing on the professional cycling circuit; his most recent tour de force in the Tour de France places him in the company of renowned cyclists Jacques Anquetil, Bernard Hinault, Eddy Merckx, and Miguel Indurain, all five-time winners of the so-called "Super Bowl of Cycling"; and WHEREAS, Mr. Armstrong's brilliant cycling career has captured the attention and imagination of countless fans throughout the world thanks largely to his remarkable success in Le Tour; his well-known battle against cancer and his subsequent defeat of the deadly disease have made him a role model for the cancer community and beyond, and his return to dominance in professional cycling has only added to the dramatic and inspirational story of his miraculous recovery; and WHEREAS, A naturally gifted athlete with an unquenchable competitive thirst, Mr. Armstrong became a professional triathlete at the age of 16, although he soon realized that his future in competitive sports would focus on his cycling prowess; in 1989 he qualified for the junior world championships in Moscow, and two years later he became the U.S. National Amateur Champion; and WHEREAS, After competing in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, he began his professional career inauspiciously with a last-place finish in the 1992 Classico San Sebastian; despite finishing 27 minutes behind the winner of the rain-soaked race, Mr. Armstrong displayed the tenacious attitude that has become perhaps his most enduring and endearing characteristic; and WHEREAS, The following year saw him reach his seemingly limitless potential as he captured 10 titles, including the U.S. Pro Championship; the year 1993 also featured Mr. Armstrong's first stage victory in the Tour de France as well as his establishment as the youngest road racing world champion; additional successes would quickly follow, including victories in the 1994 TDS Classic and the 1995 Tour Du Pont, yet his most challenging adversary was quietly lurking, waiting to unseat the talented cyclist; and WHEREAS, His shocking diagnosis of cancer took a toll on Mr. Armstrong, physically, mentally, and emotionally, causing him to reevaluate his life and his purpose as he struggled to beat the advanced testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and his brain; with the help of a dedicated team of physicians and nurses, as well as the support of his family and friends, he underwent surgery and a series of aggressive treatments that successfully eradicated the cancerous cells; and WHEREAS, Mr. Armstrong's determined recovery from the invasive surgeries and intense chemotherapy left him profoundly changed, and he has dedicated himself to using his experience to help others by becoming a spokesperson for the fight against cancer; the Austin-based Lance Armstrong Foundation is the world leader in the concept of "cancer survivorship," and the money raised through this commendable organization continues to benefit those who have been stricken with cancer and those who have overcome the disease; and WHEREAS, Although Mr. Armstrong considers his defeat of cancer to be his greatest victory, his efforts in the Tour de France are certainly worthy of high praise; to win this grueling three-week road race once was a significant accomplishment, but to win it five consecutive times is a truly monumental achievement, particularly in light of the obstacles and ordeals that he has overcome; and WHEREAS, Cancer survivor, husband, father, son, Olympian, humanitarian, and champion, Lance Armstrong is each of these, and his recovery from the ravages of cancer and his subsequent return to the pinnacle of cycling success remains one of the most compelling and emotional stories of recent memory; he is a guiding light for countless individuals, and his message of determination, hope, and perseverance will continue to inspire people from all walks of life; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Lance Armstrong on capturing his fifth consecutive Tour de France title and extend to him best wishes as he pursues an unprecedented sixth Tour de France victory; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Armstrong as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.