78S20231 MDM-D

By:  Keffer of Dallas                                             H.R. No. 141

WHEREAS, A golden wedding anniversary is a momentous milestone in the life of a couple, and on May 23, 2003, Shorty and Peggy Holland of Mineral Wells marked this significant event in their marriage; and WHEREAS, Mr. Holland grew up in the Sturdivant community near Mineral Wells while the former Peggy Klein lived on her family's dairy farm near Millsap; they met 55 years ago at the Sturdivant Church of Christ and were married on May 23, 1953, in the home of Mr. Holland's parents; the couple were blessed with four children, and their enduring relationship continues to be a source of joy and inspiration to their family, which today includes twins Penny and Jeanie, and daughter Marilyn, as well as grandsons Mitchell and Mark Gilley, Bryan Nimmo, Brad and Greg Snow, and granddaughter-in-law Lena, Greg's wife; and WHEREAS, A dedicated homemaker throughout her marriage, Mrs. Holland generates high praise for her exceptional culinary talent and sewing expertise, and through the years, she has provided her family with an array of edible delights preserved from her garden and orchards; Mr. Holland's brick masonry skills were honed while he lived in Roswell, New Mexico, and in Lubbock, where he helped build the Texas Tech University dormitories; during the time that he owned and operated his own business in Mineral Wells, this expert craftsman built numerous homes, businesses, and fences for the citizens in his community; and WHEREAS, Early in their marriage, when the Hollands moved to Roswell, New Mexico, they helped establish a Church of Christ congregation, which held services in their home for a year until a building was constructed; when they later moved to Lubbock, Mr. Holland served his fellow congregants as a deacon, a role he has faithfully fulfilled at the Sturdivant Church of Christ since moving back to Mineral Wells in 1967; and WHEREAS, Together, this devoted couple have shared the trials and triumphs of half a century, and their commitment to each other, to their family, and to their church has been the solid foundation on which they established a loving home life for their family; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Shorty and Peggy Holland on the joyous occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Holland as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.