78S30365 JNC-D

By:  Van Arsdale                                                H.C.R. No. 13 

WHEREAS, July 10, 2003, was indeed a special day for Kristy and Mike Eanes of Houston, for on that day they became the proud parents of an adorable baby daughter, Kaitlyn Lora Eanes; and WHEREAS, This charming beauty made her debut at 10:38 p.m. at Christus St. Catherine Hospital in Katy, weighing eight pounds, four ounces, and measuring 20 inches in length; and WHEREAS, Blessed with an irresistible smile and a winning personality, Kaitlyn has brought great joy into the lives of her parents and many new admirers; and WHEREAS, The long-awaited arrival of this beloved new Texan has touched the hearts of her entire family, including her maternal grandparents, Don and Pauline Mikus, her paternal grandparents, Phil and Marilyn Eanes, and her great-grandparents, Winniefred Mikus, Archie and Marian Roberts, and Sue Watson; and WHEREAS, The birth of a child is always a momentous event, and it is a pleasure to join in celebrating the arrival of Kaitlyn Lora Eanes and to honor her delighted parents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Mike and Kristy Eanes on the birth of their daughter, Kaitlyn Lora, and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the family as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.