78S30759 JHS-D

By:  Kuempel                                                    H.C.R. No. 25 

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Victor Manes, Sr., has led a truly exemplary life, and it is indeed a privilege to honor this remarkable gentleman at this time; and WHEREAS, Born in Dallas on November 18, 1917, Colonel Manes graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and made a name for himself as a musician before earning a degree in petroleum economics from The University of Texas at Austin in 1940; following his graduation he accepted employment with the Texas Company, and in December of that same year he married the former Jean Dale, with whom he has been blessed with three children, Charles, Jr., Robert, and Ann, eight grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren; and WHEREAS, At the onset of World War II, this patriotic American volunteered for the military and was sent to officers' candidate school, where he was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant; he was assigned to Atlantic Overseas Command in Newark, New Jersey, and later graduated from the Army's Command and General Staff School; he left the military in 1945 as a captain and briefly operated the Western Observer in Anson with his wife before being recalled by the Air Force and assigned to the Foreign Liquidation Commission of the State Department in Manila, Philippines; and WHEREAS, Colonel Manes taught economics and earned his master's degree at Hardin-Simmons University before accepting the position as head of the department of business at Oklahoma Baptist University; after earning a doctorate from the University of Oklahoma, he was promoted to major and assigned to the 75th Wing in Chinhae, Korea, during the Korean War; in 1953 he was recalled to the Pentagon, where he worked as an economist in the Office of the Secretary of Defense; and WHEREAS, A recipient of the Bronze Star, Colonel Manes is a former adjunct associate professor at George Washington University and was a member of the president's first commission to review military compensation; he was a member of the Air Force Academy's economics department and served as the Strategic Air Command's chief of finance for Spain and Morocco; in 1966 he retired from the military and joined the faculty of Dallas Baptist University; and WHEREAS, Throughout his long and rewarding career as a teacher and military man, Colonel Manes has demonstrated unwavering dedication to his fellow educators and servicemen, and his integrity and commitment to excellence have gained him the respect and admiration of countless individuals; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Lieutenant Colonel Charles Victor Manes, Sr., and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness and success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Colonel Manes as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.