H.R. No. 49 

WHEREAS, State Representative Joe Crabb of Humble will soon celebrate his 20th anniversary as pastor of Addicks United Methodist Church (UMC); and WHEREAS, Representative Crabb began preaching when he was 19; his first pastorate was at Rogers UMC in Rogers, Texas, and other assignments have included Lake Houston UMC and Bethany UMC; he became minister of Addicks UMC in 1984; and WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to his calling, Representative Crabb plans to continue in the ministry until the age of 70, when the rules of his denomination require that he step down; he has maintained close friendships with members from all of the churches where he has served; and WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Texas, Representative Crabb is a native of Highlands and graduated from Crosby High School; he earned a bachelor of arts degree and a law degree from The University of Texas at Austin, a master of theology degree from the University of St. Thomas, and a doctor of ministry degree from Texas Christian University; and WHEREAS, In addition to his ministerial responsibilities, Representative Crabb ranches and maintains a law practice; he formerly served as a prosecutor for the cities of Houston and Humble and as an assistant district attorney for Harris County; and WHEREAS, This distinguished gentleman served his country in both the National Guard and the U.S. Naval Reserve; he retired as a commander in the JAG Corps of the naval reserve after a 26-year military career; and WHEREAS, First elected to the house of representatives in 1992, he currently serves as chairman of the House Redistricting Committee and as a member of the Energy Resources Committee and Regulated Industries Committee; and WHEREAS, His community contributions include membership on the advisory board of directors for the Sam Houston Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America and life membership in the 100 Club, which assists the families of law enforcement officers and firefighters who are killed in the line of duty; he is also a life member of The University of Texas Ex-Students' Association and a Rice University Associate; and WHEREAS, Joe Crabb and Nancy, his wife of 38 years, are the proud parents of five children, Dan, Jay, John, Elizabeth, and Charlie; and WHEREAS, Through the years, Representative Crabb has sought to use his many talents to the fullest and in the service of his church and the public at large; in him, the congregation of Addicks UMC has found a teacher, counselor, and stalwart friend, and it is indeed a pleasure to join that historic church in recognizing its pastor for his two decades of faithful leadership; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate the Honorable Joe Crabb as he completes his 20th year as minister of Addicks United Methodist Church and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success and fulfillment in all his endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Crabb as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Bohac Callegari Craddick Geren Mercer Allen Giddings Merritt Alonzo Goodman Miller Bailey Goolsby Moreno of Harris Baxter Griggs Moreno of El Paso Berman Grusendorf Morrison Bohac Guillen Mowery Bonnen Gutierrez Naishtat Branch Haggerty Nixon Brown of Kaufman Hamilton Noriega Brown of Brazos Hamric Oliveira Burnam Hardcastle Olivo Callegari Harper-Brown Paxton Campbell Hartnett Pena Canales Heflin Phillips Capelo Hegar Pickett Casteel Hilderbran Pitts Castro Hill Puente Chavez Hochberg Quintanilla Chisum Hodge Raymond Christian Homer Reyna Coleman Hope Riddle Cook of Navarro Hopson Ritter Cook of Colorado Howard Rodriguez Corte Hughes Rose Crabb Hunter Seaman Crownover Hupp Smith of Tarrant Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Harris Davis of Dallas Jones of Lubbock Smithee Dawson Jones of Bexar Solis Delisi Jones of Dallas Solomons Denny Keel Stick Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Swinford Driver Keffer of Eastland Talton Dukes King Taylor Dunnam Kolkhorst Telford Dutton Krusee Thompson Edwards Kuempel Truitt Eiland Laney Turner Eissler Laubenberg Uresti Elkins Lewis Van Arsdale Ellis Luna Villarreal Escobar Mabry West Farabee Madden Wilson Farrar Marchant Wise Flores Martinez Fischer Wohlgemuth Flynn McCall Wolens Gallego McClendon Wong Garza McReynolds Woolley Gattis Menendez Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 49 was adopted by the House on September 16, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House