78S30184 MDM-D

By:  Harper-Brown                                                 H.R. No. 67 

WHEREAS, Officer Scott Stuart of the Carrollton Police Department is recuperating from injuries sustained in the line of duty on August 20, 2003, and his heroism serves as an inspiration to his fellow peace officers and to all who know him; and WHEREAS, Officer Stuart was part of an eight-member tactical team serving a high-risk narcotics search warrant when he came under attack; struck by three rounds of gunfire, he was able to gain safety with the help of a team member, and the suspects were taken into custody without further shots being fired; and WHEREAS, An eight-year veteran of the police department, this esteemed professional has ably served the citizens of Carrollton in the roles of patrol officer, bicycle officer, field training officer, arrest tactics instructor, and tactical officer; in recognition of his steadfast commitment to his career and the welfare of local citizens, he has been accorded 32 commendations; and WHEREAS, Officer Stuart is a source of great pride to his loved ones, including his wife, April, and their two children; and WHEREAS, Throughout his years on the force, Officer Stuart has established a record of meritorious service that is consistent with the highest ideals of the law enforcement profession, and it is a privilege to recognize him for his courage and devotion to protecting the public's safety; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend Officer Scott Stuart of the Carrollton Police Department for his heroism and extend to him heartfelt best wishes for a rapid and full recovery; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Officer Stuart as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.