78S30120 KMP-D

By:  Garza                                                        H.R. No. 95 

WHEREAS, Three young Texans from Eagle Pass have achieved national recognition for their mastery of tae kwon do, earning top rankings at two prestigious Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) events, the 2003 Youth and Adult National Taekwondo Championship and the XXXVII Junior Olympic Games; and WHEREAS, Leon Mireles, Karina Luis Marquez, and Luis Miguel Garcia Cantu are talented athletes whose determination and commitment to hard work are an inspiration to classmates, parents, and teachers alike; Karina and Luis Miguel captured gold medals in combat at the 2003 national championship held in Knoxville, Tennessee, and later earned top rankings at the AAU Junior Olympic Games in Detroit, Michigan; Leon, who competed in the heavyweight category of the nationals, added to the impressive medal total of the Eagle Pass team with an outstanding gold-medal winning performance; and WHEREAS, Each one of these martial arts practitioners trains at the Modo He institute under the able guidance of instructor Jorge Jimenez Valenzuela and coaches Luis M. Garcia and Jose M. Luis; the Modo He athletes were recently honored by the mayor of Eagle Pass for their myriad accomplishments, and the citizens of the Lone Star State are pleased to join in paying special tribute to Leon Mireles, Karina Luis Marquez, and Luis Miguel Garcia Cantu for their outstanding performances; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate the members and coaches of the Modo He team for their exemplary athletic achievements and extend to them best wishes for continued success in future competitions; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Modo He institute's tae kwon do team of Eagle Pass as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.