78S30411 MMS-D

By:  Haggerty                                                     H.R. No. 104

WHEREAS, Steve Robinson, executive director of the Texas Youth Commission, has devoted most of his adult life to helping the delinquent youth of Texas become productive citizens, and his retirement from the commission on September 30, 2003, brings to a close an exceptional career with that agency; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robinson's experience with the youth commission includes work as a hearings examiner, internal auditor, halfway house administrator, and institution superintendent; he served as chief of the Travis County probation department for seven years before taking the helm of the commission in 1993; and WHEREAS, Under his able leadership, the youth commission has instituted several innovative programs, including a specialized treatment program for parolees, a nationally recognized rehabilitation program that is now used by other states, and a residential program for juvenile female offenders and their babies; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robinson has always been generous in sharing his juvenile corrections experience with those who are new to the profession, and he has made his top-notch staff available to other states and groups that are seeking information about the commission's best practices; and WHEREAS, Actively involved in a number of professional organizations, he has supported the work of the American Correctional Association, the Council of Juvenile Corrections Administrators, and the Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Travis County, and he has served as president of the Texas Probation Association; in addition, he serves on the Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission and has chaired the State Employee Charitable Campaign State Policy Committee; and WHEREAS, In 2000, then Governor George W. Bush nominated Mr. Robinson to the Council of State Governments' Henry Toll Fellowship Program, the nation's premier leadership-development program for state officials, and he was subsequently elected president of his fellowship class; and WHEREAS, This outstanding public servant is a graduate of Sam Houston State University, where he received a bachelor's degree in criminology and corrections in 1973, and Southwest Texas State University, where he earned a master's degree in public administration in 1982; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robinson is a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, together with his wife Karen, and serves its congregation as a deacon; his roots in Central Texas run deep, for he is a fourth-generation Travis County resident, an Austinite who grew up on a ranch where the Arboretum now stands; and WHEREAS, Steve Robinson has given unstintingly of his talents and efforts in behalf of the people of Texas, and his unfailing integrity, helpfulness, and commitment to the mission of his agency have won him widespread esteem and appreciation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Steve Robinson on the occasion of his retirement as executive director of the Texas Youth Commission and extend to him sincere best wishes as he prepares to spend time as just a cowboy for a while; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Robinson as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.