78S30196 KMP-D

By:  Goolsby                                                      H.R. No. 108

WHEREAS, Since becoming a member of the Dallas City Council in 1997, Lois G. Finkelman has served the people of the Metroplex area with integrity, distinction, and compassion, and her extensive achievements as an educator, community leader, and public servant are indeed deserving of special recognition and commendation; and WHEREAS, Ms. Finkelman is an alumna of Northwestern University who has earned two postgraduate degrees at The University of Texas at Dallas, one in science education and one in environmental science; she worked for many years as an educator in Ohio and Texas before embarking on a successful career as a writer, research assistant, and consultant, and during the 1980s and 1990s she established herself as a leading North Texas authority in the fields of community relations and resource development planning; in addition to creating land use studies, environmental impact studies, and impact assessments, Ms. Finkelman designed a wide range of informational materials, workshop programs, and training seminars, and her work as a community liaison ultimately led her to pursue a more prominent role in shaping public policy; and WHEREAS, In addition to serving as a councilwoman for the City of Dallas, this accomplished Texan is a respected member of the Friends of the Dallas Police Advisory Board, the Parkland Hospital Public Health Development Committee, the Children's Medical Center Foundation Board of Trustees, the Greater Dallas Community Relations Council Advisory Board, the American Jewish Congress Board of Directors, and more; she also continues to promote responsible environmental policies in her work with the Texas Clean Air Working Group, the North Central Texas Council of Governments Air Quality Steering Committee, and the National League of Cities Steering Committee for Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, Ms. Finkelman's efforts in behalf of others have earned her countless accolades over the years, including the 2002 Caring Spirit Civic Courage Award, presented by the American Cancer Society, and the 1997 Robert M. Artz Citizen Leadership Award, presented by the National Recreation and Park Association; she has shown herself to be one of the Lone Star State's most active and admired civic leaders in each of her many endeavors, and it is with great pleasure that the citizens of Texas join in paying tribute to her illustrious career in public and community service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Dallas city councilwoman Lois Finkelman and extend to her best wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Finkelman as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.