78S30747 MDM-D

By:  Harper-Brown                                                 H.R. No. 215

WHEREAS, The September 30, 2003, retirement of Rhonda Neiderhaus from the City of Irving Police Department concludes an outstanding career in law enforcement; and WHEREAS, A member of the department's patrol division, Officer Neiderhaus has also served in personnel, the technical services division, the jail, and special operations areas; she began her tenure with the city in 1983 as a jail matron before being promoted to communications operator and, ultimately, police officer in July 1987; and WHEREAS, Over the course of her exemplary 20 years on the force, Officer Neiderhaus has received more than 15 commendations, two certificates of merit, two life-saving bars, and five-year and 10-year safe driving bars; she has earned the abiding respect and admiration of her colleagues for her leadership, professional manner, and dependability as a team player; and WHEREAS, Officer Neiderhaus has established a record of meritorious service, loyalty, personal bravery, and self-sacrifice consistent with the highest ideals of the law enforcement profession, and it is most appropriate to take the opportunity presented by her retirement to join the many people she has aided in thanking her for a notable career in public service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend Rhonda Neiderhaus for her steadfast commitment to the public welfare and extend to her sincere best wishes for a happy and rewarding retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Officer Rhonda Neiderhaus as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.