H.R. No. 316

WHEREAS, Charlye Ola Farris of Wichita Falls has established a succession of firsts in the course of her 50-year legal career; and WHEREAS, Born and raised in Wichita Falls, Ms. Farris graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in 1945 at the age of 15 and from Prairie View A&M College three years later; to appease her father, the first African American school superintendent in Texas, and her mother, an elementary school teacher for 49 years, she then accepted a position teaching third and fourth graders, but after a year she resigned her position in order to pursue a legal career; and WHEREAS, Undaunted by the scarcity of women in her chosen field and by obstacles arrayed at that time against any African American who wanted to study law in Texas, Ms. Farris chose to enroll at the University of Denver; she subsequently transferred to Howard University, where she received her law degree in 1953; that same year she returned to Texas and passed the bar exam, becoming the first African American woman in the state to be licensed to practice law; and WHEREAS, Moving home to Wichita Falls, she also became the first woman to actively practice law in Wichita County; she soon added the further distinction of being the first African American to serve as a judge in the South in any capacity since Reconstruction when she served as special county judge, or county judge pro tem, in Wichita County on July 7, 1954; and WHEREAS, Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Ms. Farris moved her office from the east side of town to a building by the courthouse, a location where she has hung her shingle for almost 39 years; and WHEREAS, When she began the practice of law and for some years thereafter, Ms. Farris confronted a continuing assault on her dignity from official segregation, as well as the attitudes that spawned it; in the face of rank injustice, she persevered and established a reputation for honesty and fairness; and WHEREAS, Over the course of five decades, this notable Texan's extraordinary accomplishments have earned her deep esteem, and she has been recognized by the American Bar Association, National Bar Association, and State Bar of Texas; and WHEREAS, Members of the Wichita County Bar Association are celebrating her achievements with a dinner and tribute on November 13, 2003, and together with the Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation, they are establishing an endowed scholarship in her name; and WHEREAS, Throughout her career, Charlye Farris has done honor to her profession and contributed immeasurably to the benefit of her community; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby recognize Charlye Ola Farris for her exceptional record of triumph and service and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Farris as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Farabee ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 316 was adopted by the House on October 10, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House