Senate Research Center   S.J.R. 9
78S41482 ESH/JD-DBy: Ogden
As Filed


S.J.R. 9 proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing a state property
tax for public education, prohibiting school district property taxes for
maintenance purposes, and authorizing a school district property tax for
educational enrichment. 


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 1-e, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, as

Sec. 1-e.  Adds an exception provided by Section 3-a, Article VIII, Texas
Constitution, to the requirement that no state ad valorem taxes be levied
upon any property within this state. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Article VII, Texas Constitution, by adding Section 3-a,
as follows: 

Sec. 3-a.  (a) Authorizes the legislature to impose ad valorem taxes at a
rate not to exceed $1.00 for each $100 of taxable value, for elementary
and secondary public free school purposes on real property and tangible
personal property not otherwise exempted by this constitution or by the

(b)  Authorizes the legislature, notwithstanding Section 23, Article VIII,
Texas Constitution, to provide for the appraisal of property subject to
state ad valorem taxes, for the equalization of taxable values, and for
the collection of the state ad valorem taxes imposed on that property.  

(c)  Requires that state ad valorem taxes be assessed on the valuation of
property subject to those taxes as determined by the appraisal officials
in the county in which the property is located.  Sets forth the conditions
which authorize that an assessment of a state ad valorem tax on that
valuation is not invalid if the appraisal review process conforms to the
accepted standards and practices.  Requires that this subsection expires
at the end of the 2005 ad valorem tax year. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 3, Article VII, Texas Constitution, by amending
Subsections (d) and (e) and adding Subsections (f)- (i), as follows: 

(d)  Authorizes the legislature, by general law, to provide for the
management and control of the public schools.  Deletes text requiring that
the legislature be authorized to pass laws for the assessment and
collection of taxes in all school districts. 

(e)  Authorizes a school district to impose an ad valorem tax on taxable
property in the district for the purpose of providing an enriched
educational program.  Prohibits the rate  of the enrichment tax from
exceeding $0.15 for each $100 of taxable value.  Authorizes the
legislature to provide state funding to supplement the yield of a tax
levied under this subsection.   

(f)  Authorizes the legislature to provide for school districts to impose
an additional ad valorem tax on all taxable property in the district for
the erection and equipment of school buildings.  Deletes language
regarding whether such districts are composed of territory wholly within a
county or in parts of two or more counties, and that the legislature may
authorize an additional ad valorem tax to be levied and collected within
all school districts for the further maintenance of public free schools.  

(g) Prohibits a school district from imposing a tax under Subsection (e)
or (f) of this section unless the tax is approved by a majority of the
qualified voters of the district for that purpose.   

(h) Authorizes the legislature to pass laws for the creation of junior
college districts, the management and control of those districts, and the
imposition of ad valorem taxes in those districts.  Prohibits a junior
college district from imposing a tax under this subsection unless the tax
is approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the district voting
at an election held for that purpose.  Establishes, for purposes of this
section, that a junior college district is not a school district. 

(i) Provides that an ad valorem tax approved by the voters of a junior
college district under this section before November 2, 2004, is not
affected by the amendment of this section approved by the voters at an
election held on November 2, 2004.  Provides that a junior college
district is not required to hold a new election to authorize an existing
tax.  Provides that this subsection expires January 1, 2005. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 3-b, Article VII, Texas Constitution, to
replace references to the maintenance of public free schools with the
phrase enrichment of public free schools and to make nonsubstantive

SECTION 5.  Requires this proposed constitutional amendment to be
submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 2, 2004.
Requires the ballot to be printed to permit voting for or against a stated