By:  Hochberg                                                     H.B. No. 45 

relating to public school finance; authorizing an ad valorem tax collected by the state at rates set by individual school districts; and providing for the distribution of that tax equitably to school districts for the maintenance and operation of public schools. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 42.002, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.002. PURPOSES OF FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM. (a) The purposes of the Foundation School Program set forth in this chapter are to guarantee that each school district in the state has[: [(1)] adequate resources to provide each eligible student an [a basic] instructional program and facilities suitable to the student's educational needs[; and [(2) access to a substantially equalized program of financing in excess of basic costs for certain services, as provided by this chapter]. (b) The Foundation School Program consists of: (1) a basic entitlement [two tiers] that provides [in combination provide] for: (A) sufficient financing for all school districts to provide a basic program of education that is rated recognized [academically acceptable] or higher under Section 39.072 and meets other applicable legal standards; and (B) [substantially] equal access to funds to provide an enriched program; and (2) a facilities component as provided by Chapter 46. SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 42, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 42.0051 to read as follows: Sec. 42.0051. STUDENT COUNT. For purposes of this chapter, the student count is the number of students in average daily attendance, the number of full-time equivalent students, or the number of students enrolled, as appropriate, in a regular education program or an educational program described by Chapter 29. SECTION 3. Section 42.007(c), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) The funding elements must include: (1) an amount [a basic allotment] for the purposes of Section 42.101 that, when multiplied by the statewide average school district maintenance and operations tax rate for the final year of the preceding state fiscal biennium [combined with the guaranteed yield component provided by Subchapter F], represents the cost per student of a regular education program that is rated recognized or higher under Section 39.072 and meets all other mandates of law and regulation; (2) adjustments designed to reflect the variation in known resource costs and costs of education beyond the control of school districts; (3) appropriate program cost differentials and other funding elements for the programs authorized under Subchapters A-D and F, Chapter 29 [Subchapter C], with the program funding level expressed as [dollar amounts and as] weights applied to the student count [adjusted basic allotment] for the appropriate year; and (4) [the maximum guaranteed level of qualified state and local funds per student for the purposes of Subchapter F; [(5) the enrichment and facilities tax rate under Subchapter F; [(6) the computation of students in weighted average daily attendance under Section 42.302; and [(7)] the amount to be appropriated for the school facilities assistance program under Chapter 46. SECTION 4. Subchapter B, Chapter 42, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.101. GUARANTEED AMOUNT. Each school district is guaranteed a specified amount per weighted student in state funds. The amount of state support is determined by the formula:
where: "GA" is the guaranteed amount of state funds to be allocated to the district; "SA" is the student allotment, which is $_____ or a greater amount for any year provided by appropriation; "DTR" is the maintenance and operations tax rate imposed by the district as provided by Section 45.252; "ER" is exemption ratio for the district which is the quotient of the taxable property value in the district for the preceding tax year determined under Subchapter M, Chapter 403, Government Code, reduced by the total taxable property value of all exemptions, abatements and similar reductions in property value granted by the district except those that are reduced from the taxable value under Section 403.302(d), Government Code, divided by the taxable property value in the district. "WADA" is the number of students in weighted average daily attendance, which is the sum of the school district's student count for each educational program for which a program weight is provided by Section 42.102. Sec. 42.102. PROGRAM WEIGHTS. (a) In this section: (1) "Career and technology education program" means a program under Subchapter F, Chapter 29. (2) "Full-time equivalent student" means 30 hours of contact a week between a student and program personnel. (3) "Special education program" means a program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29. (b) The program weights are: (1) 1.0 for a student in average daily attendance, not including time the student spends each day in a special education program in an instructional arrangement other than mainstream or in a career and technology education program; (2) 1.1 for a student in a special education program in a mainstream instructional arrangement; (3) 5.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a homebound instructional arrangement; (4) 3.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a hospital class instructional arrangement; (5) 5.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a speech therapy instructional arrangement; (6) 3.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a resource room instructional arrangement; (7) 3.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a self-contained, mild and moderate, regular campus instructional arrangement; (8) 3.0 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a self-contained, severe, regular campus instructional arrangement; (9) 2.7 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in an off-home-campus instructional arrangement; (10) 1.7 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program in a nonpublic day school; (11) 2.3 for a full-time equivalent student in a special education program vocational adjustment class; (12) 4.0 for a student in a special education program who resides in a residential care and treatment facility, other than a state school, whose parent or guardian does not reside in the district and who receives educational services from a local school district; (13) 2.8 for a student in a special education program who resides in a state school; (14) 0.2 for a student who is educationally disadvantaged or who is a student who does not have a disability and resides in a residential placement facility in a district in which the student's parent or guardian does not reside; (15) 2.41 for a full-time equivalent student who is in a compensatory, intensive, or accelerated program under Section 29.081 because the student is pregnant; (16) 0.1 for a student who is in a bilingual education or special language program under Subchapter B, Chapter 29; (17) 1.35 for a full-time equivalent student in an approved career and technology education program in grades nine through 12 or in a career and technology program for students with disabilities in grades seven through 12; (18) 0.12 for a student in a program for gifted and talented students that the district certifies to the commissioner as complying with Subchapter D, Chapter 29; and (19) except as provided by Subsection (c), 0.1 for a student in average daily attendance who is using a public education grant under Subchapter G, Chapter 29, to attend school in a district other than the district in which the student resides. (c) The total number of weights under Subsection (b)(19) to which a district is entitled may not exceed the number by which the number of students using public education grants to attend school in the district exceeds the number of students who reside in the district and use public education grants to attend school in another district. Sec. 42.103. [BASIC ALLOTMENT. For each student in average daily attendance, not including the time students spend each day in special education programs in an instructional arrangement other than mainstream or career and technology education programs, for which an additional allotment is made under Subchapter C, a district is entitled to an allotment of $2,537. A greater amount for any school year may be provided by appropriation. [Sec. 42.102.] COST OF EDUCATION ADJUSTMENT. (a) The guaranteed amount ("GA") under Section 42.101 [basic allotment] for each district is adjusted to reflect the geographic variation in known resource costs and costs of education due to factors beyond the control of the school district. (a-1) For the 2005-2006 school year, the [(b) The] cost of education adjustment is the cost of education index adjustment adopted by the foundation school fund budget committee and contained in Chapter 203, Title 19, Texas Administrative Code, as that chapter existed on March 26, 1997. (b) The Legislative Budget Board shall conduct a study each biennium and shall recompute the cost of education index and adopt adjustments as the board determines are necessary to ensure that the cost of education index reflects current variations in known resource costs and costs of education due to factors beyond the control of a school district. The board's determination is final and may not be appealed. (c) From funds appropriated for the purpose, the Legislative Budget Board may contract with one or more public or private entities for studies to assist with the board's recomputation and adjustments. Subject to appropriate notice and opportunity for public comment, the board may adopt rules necessary to implement this section. (c-1) For the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years, the cost of education index is the average of the cost of education index as provided by Subsection (a-1) and the initial recomputation and adjustment of the cost of education index adopted by the Legislative Budget Board in accordance with Subsection (b). (d) The cost of education index is the average of the two most recent recomputations and adjustments adopted by the Legislative Budget Board under Subsection (b). (e) Subsection (d) applies beginning with the 2008-2009 school year. Subsections (a-1) and (c-1) and this subsection expire September 1, 2008. Sec. 42.104 [42.103]. SMALL AND MID-SIZED DISTRICT ADJUSTMENT. (a) The guaranteed amount ("GA") under Section 42.101 [basic allotment] for certain small and mid-sized districts is adjusted in accordance with this section. In this section: (1) ["AA" is the district's adjusted allotment per student; [(2)] "ADA" is the number of students in average daily attendance for which the district is entitled to funding [an allotment] under Section 42.101; [and] (2) "AGA" [(3) "ABA"] is the adjusted guaranteed amount as [basic allotment] determined under Section 42.103; and (3) "SAGA" is the district's size-adjusted guaranteed amount [42.102]. (b) The guaranteed amount ("GA") under Section 42.101 [basic allotment] of a school district that contains at least 300 square miles and has not more than 1,600 students in average daily attendance is adjusted by applying the formula:
SAGA [AA] = (1 + ((1,600 - ADA) X .0004)) X AGA [ABA]
(c) The guaranteed amount ("GA") under Section 42.101 [basic allotment] of a school district that contains less than 300 square miles and has not more than 1,600 students in average daily attendance is adjusted by applying the formula:
SAGA [AA] = (1 + ((1,600 - ADA) X .00025)) X AGA [ABA]
(d) The guaranteed amount ("GA") under Section 42.101 [basic allotment] of a school district that offers a kindergarten through grade 12 program and has less than 5,000 students in average daily attendance is adjusted by applying the formula, of the following formulas, that results in the greatest adjusted allotment: (1) the formula in Subsection (b) or (c) for which the district is eligible; or (2) SAGA [AA] = (1 + ((5,000 - ADA) X .000025)) X AGA [ABA]. [(e) The commissioner may make the adjustment authorized by Subsection (d)(2) only if the district's wealth per student does not exceed the equalized wealth level under Section 41.002. For purposes of this subsection, a district's wealth per student is determined in the manner provided by Section 41.001, except that the adjustment provided by Subsection (d)(2) is not used in computing the number of students in weighted average daily attendance. [Sec. 42.104. USE OF SMALL OR MID-SIZED DISTRICT ADJUSTMENT IN CALCULATING SPECIAL ALLOTMENTS. In determining the amount of a special allotment under Subchapter C for a district to which Section 42.103 applies, a district's adjusted basic allotment is considered to be the district's adjusted allotment determined under Section 42.103.] Sec. 42.105. SPARSITY ADJUSTMENT. Notwithstanding Sections 42.101, [42.102, and] 42.103, and 42.104: (1) a school district that has fewer than 130 students in average daily attendance is entitled to [shall be provided] an adjusted guaranteed amount [basic allotment] on the basis of 130 students in average daily attendance if it offers a kindergarten through grade 12 program and has preceding or current year's average daily attendance of at least 90 students or is 30 miles or more by bus route from the nearest high school district; (2) a school [. A] district that offers [offering] a kindergarten through grade 8 program and has [whose] preceding or current year's average daily attendance of [was] at least 50 students or that [which] is 30 miles or more by bus route from the nearest high school district is entitled to [shall be provided] an adjusted guaranteed amount [basic allotment] on the basis of 75 students in average daily attendance; and (3) [. An average daily attendance of 60 students shall be the basis of providing the adjusted basic allotment if] a school district that offers a kindergarten through grade 6 program and has preceding or current year's average daily attendance of at least 40 students or that is 30 miles or more by bus route from the nearest high school district is entitled to an adjusted guaranteed amount on the basis of 60 students in average daily attendance. [Sec. 42.106. ADJUSTED PROPERTY VALUE FOR DISTRICTS NOT OFFERING ALL GRADE LEVELS. For purposes of this chapter, the taxable value of property of a school district that contracts for students residing in the district to be educated in another district under Section 25.039(a) is adjusted by applying the formula:
[ADPV - DPV - (TN/.015)
[where: ["ADPV" is the district's adjusted taxable value of property; ["DPV" is the taxable value of property in the district for the preceding tax year determined under Subchapter M, Chapter 403, Government Code; and ["TN" is the total amount of tuition required to be paid by the district under Section 25.039 for the school year for which the adjustment is made, not to exceed the amount specified by commissioner rule under Section 25.039(b).] SECTION 5. The heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 42, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 6. The heading to Section 42.151, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.151. SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. SECTION 7. Sections 42.151(e), (h), (k), and (l), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (e) The State Board of Education by rule shall prescribe the qualifications an instructional arrangement must meet in order to be funded as a particular instructional arrangement under this chapter [section]. In prescribing the qualifications that a mainstream instructional arrangement must meet, the board shall establish requirements that students with disabilities and their teachers receive the direct, indirect, and support services that are necessary to enrich the regular classroom and enable student success. (h) Funds allocated under this chapter for special education programs [section], other than an indirect cost allotment established under State Board of Education rule, must be used in the special education program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29. (k) A school district that provides an extended year program required by federal law for special education students who may regress is entitled to receive funds in an amount equal to 75 percent, or a lesser percentage determined by the commissioner, of the guaranteed amount [adjusted basic allotment or adjusted allotment, as applicable,] for each full-time equivalent student in average daily attendance, multiplied by the amount designated for the student's instructional arrangement under Section 42.102(b) [this section], for each day the program is provided divided by the number of days in the minimum school year. The total amount of state funding for extended year services under this subsection [section] may not exceed $10 million per year. A school district may use funds received under this subsection [section] only in providing an extended year program. (l) From the total amount of funds appropriated for special education programs under this chapter [section], the commissioner shall withhold an amount specified in the General Appropriations Act, and distribute that amount to school districts for programs under Section 29.014. The program established under that section is required only in school districts in which the program is financed by funds distributed under this subsection and any other funds available for the program. After deducting the amount withheld under this subsection from the total amount appropriated for special education, the commissioner shall reduce each district's allotment proportionately and shall allocate funds to each district accordingly. SECTION 8. The heading to Section 42.152, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.152. COMPENSATORY EDUCATION PROGRAMS [ALLOTMENT]. SECTION 9. Sections 42.152(b) and (c), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (b) For purposes of Section 42.102(b)(14) [this section], the number of educationally disadvantaged students is determined: (1) by averaging the best six months' enrollment in the national school lunch program of free or reduced-price lunches for the preceding school year; or (2) in the manner provided by commissioner rule, if no campus in the district participated in the national school lunch program of free or reduced-price lunches during the preceding school year. (c) Funds allocated under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] shall be used to fund supplemental programs and services designed to eliminate any disparity in performance on assessment instruments administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, or disparity in the rates of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081, and all other students. Specifically, the funds, other than an indirect cost allotment established under State Board of Education rule, which may not exceed 15 percent, may be used to meet the costs of providing a compensatory, intensive, or accelerated instruction program under Section 29.081 or an alternative education program established under Section 37.008 or to support a program eligible under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as provided by Pub. L. No. 103-382 and its subsequent amendments, and by federal regulations implementing that Act, at a campus at which at least 40 percent of the students are educationally disadvantaged. In meeting the costs of providing a compensatory, intensive, or accelerated instruction program under Section 29.081, a district's compensatory education allotment shall be used for costs supplementary to the regular education program, such as costs for program and student evaluation, instructional materials and equipment and other supplies required for quality instruction, supplemental staff expenses, salary for teachers of at-risk students, smaller class size, and individualized instruction. A home-rule school district or an open-enrollment charter school must use funds allocated under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)] for a purpose authorized in this subsection but is not otherwise subject to Subchapter C, Chapter 29. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section: (1) to ensure that a sufficient amount of the funds allotted under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] are available to supplement instructional programs and services, no more than 18 percent of the funds allotted under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] may be used to fund disciplinary alternative education programs established under Section 37.008; (2) the commissioner may waive the limitations of Subdivision (1) upon an annual petition, by a district's board and a district's site-based decision making committee, presenting the reason for the need to spend supplemental compensatory education funds on disciplinary alternative education programs under Section 37.008, provided that: (A) the district in its petition reports the number of students in each grade level, by demographic subgroup, not making satisfactory progress under the state's assessment system; and (B) the commissioner makes the waiver request information available annually to the public on the agency's website; and (3) for purposes of this subsection, a program specifically designed to serve students at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081, is considered to be a program supplemental to the regular education program, and a district may use its compensatory education allotment for such a program. SECTION 10. Section 42.152(c-1), Education Code, as added by Chapter 253, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is amended to read as follows: (c-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (c), funds allocated under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] may be used to fund in proportion to the percentage of students served by the program that meet the criteria in Section 29.081(d) or (g): (1) an accelerated reading instruction program under Section 28.006(g); or (2) a program for treatment of students who have dyslexia or a related disorder as required by Section 38.003. SECTION 11. Section 42.152(c-1), Education Code, as added by Chapter 783, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is redesignated as Section 42.152(c-2), Education Code, and amended to read as follows: (c-2) [(c-1)] Notwithstanding Subsection (c), funds allocated under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] may be used to fund a district's mentoring services program under Section 29.089. SECTION 12. Sections 42.152(e), (f), and (h)-(p), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (e) The commissioner may: (1) retain a portion of the total amount allotted under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)] that the commissioner considers appropriate to finance [intensive accelerated instruction programs and] study guides provided under Section 39.024(c) [Sections 39.024(b) and (c)]; and (2) reduce each district's guaranteed amount [tier one allotments] in the same manner described for a reduction in allotments under Section 42.253. (f) From the total amount of funds appropriated for allotments under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], the commissioner shall, each fiscal year, withhold an amount to be determined by the commissioner, but not less than $10,000,000, and distribute that amount for programs under Section 29.085. In distributing those funds, preference shall be given to a school district that received funds for a program under Section 29.085 for the preceding school year. The program established under that section is required only in school districts in which the program is financed by funds distributed under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] and any other funds available for the program. (h) After deducting the amount withheld under Subsection (f) from the total amount appropriated for the allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)], the commissioner shall reduce each district's tier one allotments in the same manner described for a reduction in allotments under Section 42.253 and shall allocate funds to each district accordingly. (i) From the total amount of funds appropriated for allotments under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], the commissioner shall, each fiscal year, withhold $7,500,000 or a greater amount as determined in the General Appropriations Act and distribute that amount for programs under Subchapter A, Chapter 33. A program established under that subchapter is required only in school districts in which the program is financed by funds distributed under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section] or other funds distributed by the commissioner for a program under that subchapter. In distributing those funds, preference shall be given to a school district that received funds for a program under this subsection for the preceding school year. (j) The commissioner shall coordinate the funds withheld under Subsection (i) and any other funds available for the program and shall distribute those funds. To receive funds for the program, a school district must apply to the commissioner. The commissioner shall give a preference to the districts that apply that have the highest concentration of at-risk students. For each school year that a school district receives funds under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], the district shall allocate an amount of local funds for school guidance and counseling programs that is equal to or greater than the amount of local funds that the school district allocated for that purpose during the preceding school year. (k) After deducting the amount withheld under Subsection (i) from the total amount appropriated for the allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)], the commissioner shall reduce each district's tier one allotments in the same manner described for a reduction in allotments under Section 42.253. (l) From the total amount of funds appropriated for allotments under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], the commissioner shall, each fiscal year, withhold the amount of $2.5 million for transfer to the investment capital fund under Section 7.024. (m) From the total amount of funds appropriated for allotments under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], the commissioner may withhold an amount not exceeding $1 million each fiscal year and distribute the funds to school districts that incur unanticipated expenditures resulting from a significant increase in the enrollment of students who do not have disabilities and who reside in residential placement facilities. (n) After deducting the amount withheld under Subsection (l) from the total amount appropriated for the allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)], the commissioner shall reduce each district's allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)] proportionately and shall allocate funds to each district accordingly. (o) After deducting the amount withheld under Subsection (m) from the total amount appropriated for the allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)], the commissioner shall reduce each district's allotment under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [Subsection (a)] proportionately. (p) The commissioner shall: (1) withhold, from the total amount of funds appropriated for allotments under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section], an amount sufficient to finance extended year programs under Section 29.082 not to exceed five percent of the amounts allocated under Sections 42.102(b)(14) and (15) [this section]; and (2) give priority to applications for extended year programs to districts with high concentrations of educationally disadvantaged students. SECTION 13. The heading to Section 42.153, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.153. BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS [ALLOTMENT]. SECTION 14. Section 42.153(b), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) Funds allocated under Section 42.102(b)(16) [this section], other than an indirect cost allotment established under State Board of Education rule, must be used in providing bilingual education or special language programs under Subchapter B, Chapter 29, and must be accounted for under existing agency reporting and auditing procedures. SECTION 15. The heading to Section 42.154, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.154. CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PROGRAMS [ALLOTMENT]. SECTION 16. Sections 42.154(c) and (e), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (c) Funds allocated under Section 42.102(b)(17) [this section], other than an indirect cost allotment established under State Board of Education rule, must be used in providing career and technology education programs in grades nine through 12 or career and technology education programs for students with disabilities in grades seven through 12 under Sections 29.182, 29.183, and 29.184. (e) Out of the total statewide allotment for career and technology education under Section 42.102(b)(17) [this section], the commissioner shall set aside an amount specified in the General Appropriations Act, which may not exceed an amount equal to one percent of the total amount appropriated, to support regional career and technology education planning. After deducting the amount set aside under this subsection from the total amount appropriated for career and technology education under Section 42.102(b)(17) [this section], the commissioner shall reduce each district's tier one allotments in the same manner described for a reduction in allotments under Section 42.253. SECTION 17. The heading to Section 42.156, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.156. GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENT PROGRAMS [ALLOTMENT]. SECTION 18. Sections 42.156(b)-(f), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (b) Funds allocated under Section 42.102(b)(18) [this section], other than the amount that represents the program's share of general administrative costs, must be used in providing programs for gifted and talented students under Subchapter D, Chapter 29, including programs sanctioned by International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement, or in developing programs for gifted and talented students. Each district must account for the expenditure of state funds as provided by rule of the State Board of Education. If by the end of the 12th month after receiving an allotment for developing a program a district has failed to implement a program, the district must refund the amount of the allotment to the agency within 30 days. (c) Not more than five percent of a district's students in average daily attendance are eligible for funding under Section 42.102(b)(18) [this section]. (d) If the amount of state funds for which school districts are eligible under Section 42.102(18) [this section] exceeds the amount of state funds appropriated in any year for the programs, the commissioner shall reduce each district's tier one allotments in the same manner described for a reduction in allotments under Section 42.253. (e) If the total amount of funds allotted under Section 42.102(b)(18) [this section] before a date set by rule of the State Board of Education is less than the total amount appropriated for a school year, the commissioner shall transfer the remainder to any program for which an allotment under Section 42.102(b)(14) or (15) [42.152] may be used. (f) After each district has received allotted funds for this program, the State Board of Education may use up to $500,000 of the funds allocated under Section 42.102(b)(18) [this section] for programs such as MATHCOUNTS, Future Problem Solving, Odyssey of the Mind, and Academic Decathlon, as long as these funds are used to train personnel and provide program services. To be eligible for funding under this subsection, a program must be determined by the State Board of Education to provide services that are effective and consistent with the state plan for gifted and talented education. SECTION 19. Section 42.251, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42.251. FINANCING; GENERAL RULE. (a) The sum of the guaranteed amounts [basic allotment] under Subchapter B, the transportation allotments under Section 42.155, and the new instructional facility allotments [special allotments] under Section 42.158 [Subchapter C], computed in accordance with this chapter, constitute the [tier one allotments. The sum of the tier one allotments and the guaranteed yield allotments under Subchapter F, computed in accordance with this chapter, constitute the] total cost of the Foundation School Program. (b) The program shall be financed by: (1) ad valorem tax revenue deposited in the Texas education trust as required by Sections 1A and 3(e), Article VII, Texas Constitution [generated by an equalized uniform school district effort; [(2) ad valorem tax revenue generated by local school district effort in excess of the equalized uniform school district effort]; (2) [(3)] state available school funds distributed in accordance with law; and (3) [(4)] state funds appropriated for the purposes of public school education and allocated to each district in an amount sufficient to finance the cost of each district's Foundation School Program not covered by other funds specified in this subsection. SECTION 20. Sections 42.253(a)-(c) and (g)-(i), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) For each school year the commissioner shall determine: (1) the amount of money to which a school district is entitled under Subchapters B and C; and (2) [the amount of money to which a school district is entitled under Subchapter F; [(3)] the amount of money allocated to the district from the available school fund[; [(4) the amount of each district's tier one local share under Section 42.252; and [(5) the amount of each district's tier two local share under Section 42.302]. (b) Except as provided by this subsection, the commissioner shall base the determinations under Subsection (a) on the estimates provided to the legislature under Section 42.254, or, if the General Appropriations Act provides estimates for that purpose, on the estimates provided under that Act, for each school district for each school year. [The commissioner shall reduce the entitlement of each district that has a final taxable value of property for the second year of a state fiscal biennium that is higher than the estimate under Section 42.254 or the General Appropriations Act, as applicable. A reduction under this subsection may not reduce the district's entitlement below the amount to which it is entitled at its actual taxable value of property.] (c) Each school district is entitled to an amount equal to the difference for that district between the amount determined under Subsection [sum of Subsections] (a)(1) and the amount determined under Subsection (a)(2) [and the sum of Subsections (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5)]. The comptroller shall pay a district's entitlement under this subsection from the Texas education trust and the foundation school fund in the proportions provided by the General Appropriations Act. (g) If a school district demonstrates to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the estimate of the district's tax rate or [,] student enrollment[, or taxable value of property] used in determining the amount of state funds to which the district is entitled are so inaccurate as to result in undue financial hardship to the district, the commissioner may adjust funding to that district in that school year to the extent that funds are available for that year, including funds in the reserve account. Funds in the reserve account may not be used under this subsection until any reserve funds have been used for purposes of Subsection (f). (h) If the legislature fails during the regular session to enact the transfer and appropriation proposed under Subsection (f) and there are not funds available under Subsection (j), the commissioner shall reduce the total amount of state funds allocated to each district proportionately [by an amount determined by a method under which the application of the same number of cents of increase in tax rate in all districts applied to the taxable value of property of each district, as determined under Subchapter M, Chapter 403, Government Code, results in a total levy equal to the total reduction]. The following fiscal year, a district's entitlement under this section is increased by an amount equal to the reduction made under this subsection. (i) Not later than March 1 each year, the commissioner shall determine the actual amount of state funds to which each school district is entitled under the allocation formulas in this chapter for the current school year and shall compare that amount with the amount of the warrants issued to each district for that year. If the amount of the warrants differs from the amount to which a district is entitled because of variations in the district's tax rate or [,] student enrollment, [or taxable value of property,] the commissioner shall adjust the district's entitlement for the next fiscal year accordingly. SECTION 21. Subchapter E, Chapter 42, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 42.256 to read as follows: Sec. 42.256. TEXAS EDUCATION TRUST AND FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND TRANSFERS. The comptroller shall make payments from the Texas education trust and the foundation school fund to each school district as follows: (1) the comptroller shall pay 15 percent of the yearly entitlement of the district under this chapter in an installment to be made on or before the 25th day of September of a fiscal year; (2) the comptroller shall pay 80 percent of the yearly entitlement of the district under this chapter in eight equal installments to be made on or before the 25th day of October, November, December, January, March, May, June, and July; and (3) the comptroller shall pay five percent of the yearly entitlement of the district under this chapter in an installment to be made on or before the 25th day of February. SECTION 22. The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 45, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 23. Section 45.003(a), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Bonds described by Section 45.001 may not be issued and taxes described by that section [Section 45.001 or 45.002] may not be levied unless authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of the district[,] voting at an election held for that purpose, at the expense of the district, in accordance with the Election Code, except as provided by this section. Each election must be called by resolution or order of the governing board or commissioners court. The resolution or order must state the date of the election, the proposition or propositions to be submitted and voted on, the polling place or places, and any other matters considered necessary or advisable by the governing board or commissioners court. SECTION 24. Chapter 45, Education Code, is amended by adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
Sec. 45.251. TEXAS EDUCATION TRUST. The Texas education trust is a fund maintained by the comptroller within the general revenue fund. The Texas education trust consists of the tax revenue allocated to the trust under Sections 1A and 3(e), Article VII, Texas Constitution. Sec. 45.252. AD VALOREM TAX. (a) An ad valorem tax for elementary and secondary public school purposes is imposed on all taxable real and tangible personal property in this state. (b) The tax is imposed in each school district at the rate adopted by the board of trustees of the district. The rate may not exceed $____ on the $100 valuation of taxable property. (c) A residence homestead exemption granted under Section 11.13(b), (c), or (n), Tax Code, a limitation on tax increases or the appraised value of a residence homestead under Section 11.26, Tax Code, or a limitation on the appraised value of a residence homestead under Section 23.23, Tax Code, that applies to school district ad valorem taxes applies to the ad valorem tax authorized under this section. (d) Subsection (c) and Sections 45.253 and 45.254 apply only in connection with the appraisal of property and the collection of the ad valorem tax in a school district in which the levy, assessment, and collection of the tax has been approved under Subsection (b). (e) Except as otherwise provided by law, the state shall be treated, for purposes of this ad valorem tax, as a taxing unit under Title 1, Tax Code, that participates in each appraisal district established under that title. The comptroller and the state do not participate in the election of the board of directors of an appraisal district, the governance or management of the district, or the determination of the district's finances and budget. Sec. 45.253. APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY. (a) Property subject to the ad valorem tax authorized under Section 42.252 shall be appraised for taxation by the appraisal district established for the county in which the property has taxable situs under Chapter 21, Tax Code. (b) Property subject to the ad valorem tax authorized under Section 42.252 shall be appraised in the manner provided by Title 1, Tax Code, for the appraisal of property that is subject to ad valorem taxation by a county. Sec. 45.254. TAX COLLECTION. (a) The assessor-collector for each county shall assess and collect ad valorem taxes authorized under Section 42.252 imposed on property included on the appraisal roll for such taxation certified to the county assessor-collector under Section 26.01, Tax Code, unless the commissioners court of a county contracts with an official, taxing unit, or political subdivision of this state for the assessment or collection of the ad valorem taxes of the county, in which event the official, taxing unit, or political subdivision shall also assess or collect, as applicable, the ad valorem taxes authorized under Section 42.252. (b) Each assessor or collector of ad valorem taxes authorized under Section 42.252 is entitled to be reimbursed by the comptroller for the actual costs incurred by the assessor or collector in assessing or collecting such ad valorem taxes. However, an assessor or collector is not entitled to be reimbursed for any amount that is greater than the additional incremental costs incurred in assessing or collecting such ad valorem taxes. (c) The comptroller shall: (1) prescribe methods of accounting for and remitting such ad valorem taxes; (2) prescribe methods for establishing an assessor's or collector's additional incremental costs incurred in assessing or collecting such ad valorem taxes; (3) prescribe and furnish forms for periodic reports relating to such ad valorem taxes; and (4) periodically examine the records of each assessor or collector of such ad valorem taxes to verify the accuracy of any reports required under this subsection. Sec. 45.255. DUTIES AND POWERS OF COMPTROLLER. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, a duty imposed on or power granted to the governing body of a taxing unit by Title 1 or Chapter 312, Tax Code, may, for purposes of the ad valorem tax authorized under Section 42.252, be exercised by the comptroller. A reference to the presiding officer of a governing body in Title 1 or Chapter 312, Tax Code, is a reference to the comptroller for the purposes of the tax under authorized under Section 42.252. (b) The comptroller may delegate to the county assessor-collector any function of the comptroller with respect to such ad valorem tax and may designate the county assessor-collector as the comptroller's agent for purposes of administration of the ad valorem tax. Sec. 45.256. ADMINISTRATION AND REFUND ACCOUNTS. The comptroller shall deposit to the credit of the general revenue fund in appropriately designated accounts an amount of revenue collected from the ad valorem tax authorized under Section 42.252 to pay for the comptroller's expenses in administering this subchapter and for the payment of tax refunds that may become payable. Sec. 45.257. NONAPPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN OTHER TAX LAWS. Title 2, Tax Code, does not apply to the ad valorem tax authorized under Section 42.252. Sec. 45.258. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the state may not pay any portion of the tax increment produced by the state into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone designated under Chapter 311, Tax Code. (b) If a reinvestment zone was designated under Chapter 311, Tax Code, before May 1, 2004, and a school district entered into an agreement with the governing body of the municipality that created the zone to pay into the tax increment fund for the zone any portion of the school district's tax increment produced from property located in the zone, the state shall pay into the tax increment fund the portion of the tax increment that the school district would be required to pay into the tax increment fund under the terms of the agreement. (c) If the reinvestment zone was designated under Chapter 311, Tax Code, before this subchapter took effect, the tax increment base of the state is calculated under Section 311.012, Tax Code, as if this subchapter were in effect for the year in which the zone was designated. (d) If the reinvestment zone includes property taxable by more than one school district, the amount of tax increment required to be paid into the tax increment fund by the state shall be calculated as provided by Subsection (b) separately for the portion of the reinvestment zone located in each school district. Sec. 45.259. INVESTMENT OF TEXAS EDUCATION TRUST. In managing the trust, the comptroller may acquire, exchange, sell, supervise, manage, or retain, through procedures and subject to restrictions the comptroller establishes and in amounts the comptroller considers appropriate, any kind of investment that a person of ordinary prudence, discretion, and intelligence, exercising the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing, would acquire or retain for the person's own account in the management of the person's affairs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of the person's funds, considering: (1) the probable income as well as the probable safety of the person's capital; and (2) the payments required to be made from the trust to school districts under Section 42.256. SECTION 25. (a) The following provisions of the Education Code are repealed: (1) Chapter 41; (2) Subchapter F, Chapter 42; and (3) Sections 42.001, 42.151(a), (b), and (f), 42.152(a) and (t), 42.153(a), 42.154(a) and (b), 42.156(a), 42.157, 42.158(e), 42.2511, 42.2512, 42.2514, 42.2515, 42.252, 42.2521, 42.2522, 42.253(l), 42.2531, 42.257, 42.259, and 42.260. (b) Sections 45.002, 45.003(d), and 45.006, Education Code, are repealed. SECTION 26. The repeal of Section 45.002, Education Code, by this Act does not affect the authority of a school district to collect and use delinquent ad valorem taxes imposed under that section before January 1, 2005, and a school district is not required to remit those taxes to the comptroller for deposit in the Texas education trust. SECTION 27. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section: (1) Sections 22-24, 25(b), and 26 of this Act and this section take effect January 1, 2005; and (2) Sections 1-21 and 25(a) of this Act take effect September 1, 2005. (b) This Act takes effect only if the constitutional amendment proposed by __.J.R. No. ___, 78th Legislature, 4th Called Session, 2004, is approved by the voters. If that amendment is not approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.