H.R. No. 39 

WHEREAS, December 2003 marked the end of a remarkable career in education spanning 37 years for Del Rio Freshman School teacher Simón René Ramón; and WHEREAS, A Del Rio native, Mr. Ramón began teaching Spanish at San Felipe High School in 1967, immediately after his graduation from Sul Ross State University; following the school districts' consolidation in 1971, he transferred to the new Del Rio Freshman School; in 1974, he earned a master of arts degree with a major in Spanish and a minor in history from Southwest Texas State University; and WHEREAS, A teacher of Spanish and American history, Mr. Ramón was selected as a recipient of the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District's "Teacher of the Year" award in 1978; he has sponsored participation in foreign language festivals held at Angelo State University for almost 10 years, and he has also served as a University Interscholastic League academic sponsor in the spelling event for 20 years; and WHEREAS, The Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA) faculty representative at the Del Rio Freshman School since 1972, Mr. Ramón has further distinguished himself as local president and vice president of that organization and has represented the Del Rio chapter at the district and state conventions; he was appointed to serve on the TSTA State Board of Directors from 1984 to 1988 and has served as a national delegate to numerous annual conventions of the National Education Association; and WHEREAS, In addition to his teaching and his extracurricular activities in local, state, and national education organizations, Mr. Ramón has also found time to participate in a number of community activities, including serving on the Val Verde County Library Board, coaching rookie and Little League baseball teams, and teaching catechism at both Guadalupe Catholic Church and St. Joseph Catholic Church; and WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Mr. Ramón enjoyed the love and support of his wife of 29 years, Generosa "Janie" Gracia Ramón, and his two sons, Ruben Rene and Daniel Omar; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ramón is widely remembered for his abundant and contagious enthusiasm in the classroom, his strict discipline, and his steadfast dedication to his students, who will not soon forget room number "J-103"; his years of service impacted generations of Texas students, and the Del Rio Freshman School is not the same without him; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby recognize Simón René Ramón for his 37 years of teaching and extend to him sincere best wishes for a happy and fulfilling retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Ramón as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gallego Craddick Geren Mercer Allen Giddings Merritt Alonzo Goodman Miller Bailey Goolsby Moreno of Harris Baxter Griggs Moreno of El Paso Berman Grusendorf Morrison Bohac Guillen Mowery Bonnen Gutierrez Naishtat Branch Haggerty Nixon Brown of Kaufman Hamilton Noriega Brown of Brazos Hamric Oliveira Burnam Hardcastle Olivo Callegari Harper-Brown Paxton Campbell Hartnett Pena Canales Heflin Phillips Capelo Hegar Pickett Casteel Hilderbran Pitts Castro Hill Puente Chavez Hochberg Quintanilla Chisum Hodge Raymond Christian Homer Reyna Coleman Hope Riddle Cook of Navarro Hopson Ritter Cook of Colorado Howard Rodriguez Corte Hughes Rose Crabb Hunter Seaman Crownover Hupp Smith of Tarrant Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Harris Davis of Dallas Jones of Lubbock Smithee Dawson Jones of Bexar Solis Delisi Jones of Dallas Solomons Denny Keel Stick Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Swinford Driver Keffer of Eastland Talton Dukes King Taylor Dunnam Kolkhorst Telford Dutton Krusee Thompson Edwards Kuempel Truitt Eiland Laney Turner Eissler Laubenberg Uresti Elkins Lewis Van Arsdale Ellis Luna Villarreal Escobar Mabry West Farabee Madden Wilson Farrar Marchant Wise Flores Martinez Fischer Wohlgemuth Flynn McCall Wolens Gallego McClendon Wong Garza McReynolds Woolley Gattis Menendez Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 39 was adopted by the House on May 11, 2004, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House