H.R. No. 99 

WHEREAS, The city of Westphalia celebrates the 125th anniversary of its founding on July 3, 2004; and WHEREAS, Westphalia's history begins in the summer of 1879 when immigrants journeyed north from Frelsburg with the hope of finding better land; the first group of young men who initially settled in the area were drawn to its rolling plains and fertile blackland; by 1884, 13 families had constructed homesteads on 270 acres, and it was agreed that the new settlement would be named after the province in Germany that was their native land; and WHEREAS, These pioneers soon labored to cultivate their young community as well as their farmlands; the post office and the first store opened their doors in 1887, and, by 1892, there were four new businesses and a gin; in 1895, the construction of the Church of the Visitation provided the devoutly Catholic residents with a place of worship whose two spires can still be seen looming on top of a hill; a three-room school was built a year later that now stands adorned with a historical marker commemorating its long history; and WHEREAS, The citizens of Westphalia have placed a higher priority on the preservation of their hometown's history over any form of expansion or plans for urbanization, maintaining businesses that remain similar today to when they first began; successive generations of residents have held the same qualities of industry and courage as those of their trailblazing predecessors; they have all toiled and contributed to the creation of a distinct community of Texans whose proud heritage has been untouched by time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the city of Westphalia for its long and rich history and extend hearty congratulations to its citizens on the 125th anniversary of their hometown's founding; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the residents of Westphalia as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Dunnam ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 99 was adopted by the House on May 11, 2004, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House