H.R. No. 204

WHEREAS, May 1, 2004, marked a significant milestone in the life of Soula Stefanidis Molho of Sugar Land, for on that day, she celebrated her 80th birthday; and WHEREAS, Born in Katerini, Greece, in 1924, the former Soula Stefanidis grew up on a farm in Greek Macedonia, enjoying a happy and comfortable life with her parents and her five brothers and sisters until 1941 when the Germans invaded the region; deeply committed to the resistance movement against the Nazi forces, her family harbored six British soldiers in their basement; when the soldiers were discovered by the authorities, the Gestapo held the 17-year-old Soula, along with her father and older brother, and interrogated and tortured them for months; and WHEREAS, Eventually they were sent to a concentration camp, with the young Soula arriving at Auschwitz in 1943; she spent her teenage years in that concentration camp and others, performing hard labor and routinely risking her life to steal food for fellow inmates; when it became clear that Germany would lose the war, prisoners were sent marching into the forest, and Soula walked for days without shoes through snow until she and several Greek girlfriends managed to escape; and WHEREAS, On May 1, 1945, the young Soula's 21st birthday, the girls heard the long-awaited news that they were liberated; pushing on, they found a train and a group of Greek compatriots waving a tattered Greek flag; it was there that Soula met her future husband, Charles Molho, a Greek Jew from Salonika whose family had perished in the Holocaust; and WHEREAS, The couple lived in Germany for a few years before emigrating to the United States, moving to Galveston in 1952 as part of a humanitarian effort; for many years, Mr. and Mrs. Molho ran successful restaurants in Galveston and Houston before becoming involved in the shipping and trucking business; although her husband and one of their sons, Joseph Molho, are now deceased, Mrs. Molho is surrounded by three loving children, Grace Molho, Beatrice Molho Stathatos, and Issac Jack Molho, and seven adoring grandchildren, all of whom live in the Houston and Sugar Land area; and WHEREAS, Today, Mrs. Molho, who is fluent in several languages, is often called on to speak at schools and at gatherings at the Holocaust Museum of Houston about her wartime experiences, moving adults and children alike with her riveting story; a recipient of a field commendation by the British authorities in Greece for the important and selfless work that she and her family performed in the Nazi resistance movement, Mrs. Molho has lived her life adhering to the beliefs that she holds dear: honesty, hard work, and equal and fair treatment of all; and WHEREAS, The strength, bravery, and unwavering faith of this admirable lady have inspired all those whose lives she has touched, and we, as Texans, are honored that she has chosen our state as the place she calls home; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby congratulate Soula Stefanidis Molho on the joyous occasion of her 80th birthday and commend her for her courage and sacrifice in behalf of others; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. Molho as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Howard ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 204 was adopted by the House on May 17, 2004, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House