H.R. No. 267

WHEREAS, After winning the Academic Decathlon state competition for the 12th consecutive year in February 2004, the Friendswood High School Academic Decathlon team progressed to the April national competition in Boise, Idaho, where it placed fifth in its division and seventh among all 42 teams participating from around the country; and WHEREAS, The most prestigious high school academic team competition in the United States, the Academic Decathlon was founded on the precept that everyone's learning potential can be maximized through competitive challenge; like the athletic contest, the Academic Decathlon does not permit participants to specialize but rather requires students to prepare for all 10 scholastic events, which include art, economics, essay, interview, language and literature, mathematics, music, science, social science, and speech; a program designed to include and encourage all students, the decathlon calls for each competing high school to enter a team of nine, consisting of three "A" or honor students, three "B" or scholastic students, and three "C" or varsity students; and WHEREAS, Seven of the nine Friendswood High students who competed nationally placed in the top three in at least one category; the only holdover from last year's state champion team, Andy Steinhauser, placed first in science, third in art, and third in super quiz; the highest scoring student from Texas in the event, Mr. Steinhauser received a $500 scholarship for his efforts; and WHEREAS, Robert Lockwood placed first in language and literature and third in science and super quiz while Micah Fessler garnered second-place honors in science and super quiz; Wil Ramsey placed first in speech, Chris Smith placed second in math, and Trey German placed second in economics while Alex Hoeg finished in third place in economics; rounding out the outstanding team are Ryan Rahman, David Sanders, and manager Allen Miller; and WHEREAS, Under the capable leadership of coaches Mary Rinehart and Renae Simons, these exemplary young students have once again brought well-deserved recognition to their school and their community, and it is a pleasure to commend the team for its long-standing tradition of academic excellence; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby congratulate the members of the 2004 Friendswood High School Academic Decathlon team on its excellent showing in the national competition and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success in the years to come; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Taylor ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 267 was adopted by the House on May 17, 2004, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House