78S41563 BJM-D

By:  McClendon                                                    H.R. No. 291

WHEREAS, Sherry Louise Logan of San Antonio is retiring from her position at Sam Houston High School on May 28, 2004, bringing to a close an exceptional career in education that has spanned more than three decades; and WHEREAS, A 1968 graduate of Louis W. Fox Tech High School, Ms. Logan received a bachelor of science degree in vocational home economics from Prairie View A&M University, certification in kindergarten education from The University of Texas at San Antonio, and a master of science degree in midmanagement administration from Texas A&I University in Kingsville; and WHEREAS, Ms. Logan has ably served an array of schools throughout her distinguished tenure as an educator; beginning her career as director of the Bethel Child Care Center in 1972, she later accepted a position with the Harlandale Independent School District, where she taught for 18 unforgettable years, served as a class sponsor, and enjoyed tremendous success as the cheerleader and pep-squad sponsor; under her leadership, her squads won a host of championships, earning the school a well-deserved reputation for excellence; and WHEREAS, Embracing a new challenge, Ms. Logan left the Harlandale ISD in 1991 and joined San Antonio's Sam Houston High School as a teacher at the school's alternative center as well as a cheerleader sponsor; while she briefly left Sam Houston to teach at her alma mater, Fox Tech High School, she returned in 1995 and has since continued to serve the campus with pride and distinction; and WHEREAS, Sherry Louise Logan exemplifies the highest standards of her profession and is a continual source of inspiration to all who know her; her passion for teaching has truly enriched the lives of many, and it is indeed a privilege to honor her as she prepares to embark on the next chapter of an already accomplished life; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby commend Sherry Louise Logan for her years of service to the children of Texas and extend to her heartfelt best wishes for a very happy retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Logan as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.