By:  Armbrister                                                 S.C.R. No. 4  
	(In the Senate - Filed May 4, 2004; May 6, 2004, read first 
time and referred to Committee on Natural Resources; May 14, 2004, 
reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; 
May 14, 2004, sent to printer.)

WHEREAS, Texas is the largest consumer of natural gas in the nation and the largest exporter of natural gas to other states; and WHEREAS, Almost 60 percent of the homes in the United States use natural gas; and WHEREAS, Texas should be at the forefront in the race to secure the country's access to other nations' abundant and cheaper supplies of natural gas, the most environmentally friendly fuel, by the importation of liquefied natural gas to Texas receiving terminals; and WHEREAS, Our country's lack of access to adequate supplies of natural gas, which is a threat to our economy, has been underscored repeatedly by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in speeches and testimony before the Congress of the United States as the nation's manufacturing and power industries continue to lose jobs and consumers nationwide face escalating energy bills; and WHEREAS, Current natural gas prices and insufficient supply have been detrimental to industries based in Texas; and WHEREAS, Analysts expect continued high natural gas prices, and liquefied natural gas imports have the potential to reduce and stabilize natural gas prices; and WHEREAS, Lower energy prices will create and retain jobs in this state; and WHEREAS, It is necessary to develop liquefied natural gas receiving terminals in the State of Texas in order for Texas to remain the leader in the natural gas industry and maintain a healthy business and industrial environment; and WHEREAS, The development of liquefied natural gas receiving terminals in Texas will benefit the people of Texas and the nation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas, 4th Called Session, hereby respectfully urge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to expeditiously consider, approve, and permit applications for liquefied natural gas receiving terminals in the State of Texas; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward copies of this resolution to the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and to all the members of the Texas congressional delegation.
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