TO: | Honorable Kent Grusendorf, Chair, House Committee on Public School Finance, Select |
FROM: | John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HJR1 by Grusendorf (Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for funding public education, providing for school district property tax rate limitation and reduction, authorizing a school district ad valorem tax for educational program enrichment, creating the Texas education fund, dedicating certain sales and use tax revenue to funding public education, authorizing the legislature to establish a five percent limit on annual increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and other owner-occupied residential real property, and authorizing the state to operate video lottery games at racetracks and on Indian lands.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted |
Source Agencies: |
LBB Staff: | JK, WM