Floor Packet Page No. 87                                                    

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	1. On page II-41, reduce Tobacco Receipts Match for CHIP 
funds in Strategy C.1.1, CHIP, by $75,149,999 in 2004 and by 
$75,150,000 in 2005.
	Premium Co-Payments in this strategy will decrease by 
$12,000,000 in each year.  Federal Funds will decrease in this 
strategy by $232,300,000 in each year.
	2. On page II-41, reduce Tobacco Settlement Receipts funds in 
Strategy C.1.2, Immigrant Health Insurance, by $10,050,000 in 2004 
and by $10,050,000 in 2005.
	3. On page II-41, reduce Tobacco Settlement Receipts in 
Strategy C.1.3, CHIP Vendor Drug Program, by $1,700,000 in 2004 and 
by $1,700,000 in 2005.  Reduce Tobacco Receipts Match for CHIP by 
$11,000,000 in 2004 and by $11,000,000 in 2005.
	Vendor Drug Rebates––CHIP will decrease in this strategy by 
$1,500,000 in each year.  Federal Funds will decrease in this 
strategy by $28,300,000 in each year.
	4. On page II-55 and page II-56, increase General Revenue 
funding at the Department of Human Services by $82,800,000 in 2004 
and by $88,800,000 in 2005.  Federal Funds will increase by 
$119,900,000 in 2004 and by $128,700,000 in 2005.  These funds shall 
be used in Strategy A.1.1, Community Care––Entitlement, Strategy 
A.1.2, Community Care––Waivers, and Strategy A.1.5, LTC Eligibility 
and Services.
	5. On page II-56, increase Full Time Equivalents by 242.5 in 
each year of the biennium in Strategy A.1.5, LTC Eligibility and 
	This funding and staff increase at the Department of Human 
Services shall be used to implement a functional needs score of 26.