Floor Packet Page No. 95                                                    

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	(1) On page I-62, Department of Information Resources, reduce 
Goal C: Telecommunications by $2,980, 275 in general revenue for 
the biennium.
	(2) On page I-66, Department of Information Resources, 
Section 9, Telecommunications Revolving Account, strike the last 
sentence in the section which reads "Included in the amounts 
appropriated above is $2,980,275 in General Revenue Funds in this 
account for the purposes set forth above."
	(3) On page II-56, increase funding for Strategy A.1.3. 
Community Care-State by $2,980,275 for Community Care for Elderly &
Disabled (Frail and Elderly Program).