Amend Amendment No. 136 by Solis to CSHB 1 (page 156, floor amendment packet) as follows: (1) On page 1, line 1, strike "Rider 58" and substitute "by striking Rider 37 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Health and substituting the following:". (2) On page 1, strike lines 2 through 10, and substitute the following: 37. USE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES FUNDS. It is the intent of the Legislature that not less than $7.0 million per year of the funds appropriated in Strategy D.2.1 be expended exclusively to sustain existing Federally Qualified Health Centers and to help create new Federal Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the following manner: Each year of the biennium $4.5 million shall be expended in grants to existing or new institutions seeking to become FQHCs for planning, grant writing, initial operating costs, and initial capitol costs. Each year of the biennium $2.5 million shall be granted to the lending corpus of the Community Development Financial Institution, which exclusively finances FQHCs and institutions seeking to become FQHCs. All other funds appropriated in Strategy D.2.1, Community Health Services, shall be used solely for the provision of direct primary care services through the continuation of the Primary Healthcare Program for existing FQHCs and non FQHCs, with the exception of $1,018,000 appropriated in the strategy for the Office of Minority Health and Parkland Senior Care.