Amend Amendment No. 148 by Davis to CSHB 1 (page 161, amendment packet), by striking the existing text of the amendment and substituting the following: Amend CSHB 1 as follows: (1) Reduce the Article II appropriations to the Texas Department of Health for Strategy E.2.3: Health Care Facilities (page II-24), by the amount available for appropriation under Section 403.1066, Government Code. (2) In Article II of the bill, add the following appropriately numbered rider following the appropriations to the Texas Department of Health: _____. SMALL URBAN HOSPITALS. In addition to other amounts appropriated to the Texas Department of Health by this Act, the amount of available for appropriation under Section 403.1066, Government Code, is appropriated to the department for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2003, for the purposes described by Section 403.1066(c), Government Code.