Floor Packet Page No. 177 Amend CSHB 1 as follows: On page II-55 (Health and Human Services Commission), by adding a new rider to read as follows: _____. The Health and Human Services Commission shall review and revise its mental retardation provider cost reporting rules, regulations and procedures for the purposes of simplifying the cost reporting process and reducing overall administrative costs to the state and providers while providing fair and accurate financial information to the state necessary to the proper planning and funding of mental retardation services. In so doing it shall seek to capture any and all costs, follow GAAP standards and to the extent possible, utilize financial statements similar to those prepared for banking, tax, and other common business financial planning, evaluation, and reporting purposes. In implementing this directive, the Commission shall utilize a workgroup of providers, advocates, agency staff, and private sector financial experts, and shall ensure a clear separation between the rate setting and analysis functions and from the audit functions.