Floor Packet Page No. 243                                                   

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  On page I-50, Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the 
Governor, strike Strategy A.1.2.  Disaster Funds and the funding 
for the strategy in the amount of $7,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2004 and 
U.B. in Fiscal Year 2005 and renumber the remaining strategies 
	(2)  On page I-52, Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the 
Governor, add the following section and renumber the remaining 
sections accordingly.
	"Sec. _____.  DISASTER ASSISTANCE.  Notwithstanding other 
limitations on transfers of funds contained in this Act, the 
governor is authorized to transfer funds between agencies and 
between strategies within an agency in order to respond immediately 
to events for which the governor has declared a State of Disaster by 
executive order or proclamation.  A detailed list of the agencies 
and strategies from which funds are transferred under the authority 
of this rider shall be provided to the Legislative Budget Board and 
the Comptroller of Public Accounts."
	(3)  On page III-2, increase funding for Strategy A.2.2.  
Student Success by $7 million for Basic Skills Programs for 9th 